
Tuesday 4 May 2021

AHPC11 - Wrap up

 Sadly the 11th Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge has come to an end for another year. It was another titanic tussle for all involved, but what a grand motivational experience it was!!!

I gave myself a fairly easy (for me) 1000 point target and hoped for a top 20 placing, but I surpassed both of my targets, mainly due to Covid to be honest. I was put on a staggered part time furlough just before Christmas, so I had to stay at home. Now my wife Emma works from home in our front room, where the TV is. So every morning I sadly had to go up my shed, to get out of her way??? Shame I hear you all cry!!

So I had to sit and paint my figures all day, gutted eh?

The Ottomans

The Haitian Revolution

Graveyard and Donnybrook troops

Ruined Church, rocky terrain and various 25mm and 15mm figures
C3PO and an Alien can be seen lurking at the back!

I painted up

231 x 25mm figures
Various terrain pieces and buildings
44 x 15mm figures
1 x 54mm figure

Here's my performance so far in all the Challenges
Challenge II        4940 points 1st
Challenge III       2586 points 4th
Challenge IV       1227 points 17th
Challenge V          691 points 37th
Challenge VI        681 points 36th
Challenge VII      1093 points 24th
Challenge VIII      662 points 40th
Challenge IX       2274 points 8th
Challenge X        1687 points 11th
Challenge XI       2260 points 8th

So finally a massive Thank You, has to go to Curt, Sarah and all the Minions (even Tamsin!) for all their hard work and also thanks to all the other Challengers who helped push me forward with their great posts and all the great comments!


  1. Great effort Ray and the images tell the story of how much you achieved from this years challenge!

  2. That was a massive amount you painted! Eighth place - well done.

  3. It amazing just how much you managed to finish off , well done Ray.

  4. Hello old chap,

    That is a magnificent effort - very well done indeed!

    All the best,


  5. A fab collection and the sort of thing that really makes a dent and moves things along.

    1. I'm afraid its only a slight dent in the lead pile Norm.

  6. What a huge number of beautifuly painted minis! I only paint 80 28mm miniatures per year approx!


    1. But yours are works of art Jose! Mine......?

  7. Great effort Ray. Some excellent additions to your collection

  8. Well done. Laughed at the mental picture of 'banished' to the painting shed for days on end.

  9. Awesome effort Ray. Well done mate.

  10. That is awesome. Congrats on such a huge painting effort, and for getting all the motivation you could to drive you forward.

    Just amazing. Well done.

    1. Thanks Anthony, the trouble is I don't usually get a lot done after the finish.

  11. Thats a very impressive sight seeing everything laid out like that Ray and some lovely individual painting.

  12. Superb effort Ray, a well earned place in the top Ten.

    Cheers, Ross

  13. Hope there is heating in that shed or that at least she sends you off there with a blanky? LOL

    1. LOL, Yes we have a heater Dez, it does get hot in there though!!!

  14. Well done, Ray! Your point totals for a quarter of a year are staggering to me. I don't know how you do it.

  15. Even more impressive when they are arrayed together like that Ray. I wondered how you were doing it but keep forgetting that you guys had a fairly strict winter lockdown (until I see a recently-made UK program and all the actors are standing ten feet apart). At least something productive has come out of COVID.

    1. It was pretty rough over here for a time Lawrence to be honest. But like you said, I used the time to the best of my ability, to get painting done. And not the wall kind either much to my wife's woe!

  16. Champion effort Ray. I could never achieve that.

  17. Well done, Ray! That is a fabulous achievement, and it is great to see it all laid out like that 👍

  18. Great photo, Ray! Impressive work during the Challenge - awesome layout.

  19. Great output this year. Well done Ray
