
Monday 23 August 2021

25mm MDF 17th/18th Century Farmhouse complex

I've been building and painting up another 25mm building set from JohnBanks on ebay, for the very decent price of £35. I made a few alterations to make the building look more17th/18th century.

Here's how the Farmhouse set looks unpainted on ebay.

I want to use the buildings for both my Donnybrook period 1670's to late 1690's and for the Haitian Revolution, so I kept the paintjob to a pretty generic dirty white.

I blocked in quite a few of the outside wall windows.

But obviously had to keep the back entrance to the farmhouse.

The gate was supposed to be fixed in place, but I made three removable gates.

One closed

One blown up

And one open.

There was an arch over the entrance, but thought it looked better without.

I'm not 100% satisfied with the ground in the yard. I used my normal basing method, but I think it may need more work. To be honest I was a bit scared if I slapped loads of polyfiller all over the base it would warp?

The corner stones and arches around the doors and windows are made from card as are the tiles on the roofs. All the walls were painted with a mixture of white emulsion, mixed with a handful of sand, just to give it a little texture. I then gave them all 2 washed of grey/black ink. The roofs were painted with brick red masonry paint, then washed with black, and various brown washes.

Not sure if I'll use the small building in the courtyard. It looks very cramped.

I think it looks better without?


  1. Looks great! I'd live there. Need to fix the gate first.

  2. Lovely contained BUA. Great job on the roof colour / visuals.

  3. Very nice work. Makes me feel I'd like to live there!

    1. There'd be a great wargames room in the barn!

  4. Spiffing addition to the table Ray. I wonder if you'll be defending or attacking it on the first outing.

  5. That's a fine-looking terrain piece Ray. Definitely more playable without the courtyard building.

    1. Yeh, its a bit clogged up with the other building in the courtyard.

  6. I like the texture on the walls; just enough to get a sense of the stucco without being over done. Very nice!

  7. Looks good and will fit in many genres as it's very generic imho.

    1. Cheers Joe! Its only gotta fit 2 an the moment, but you never know?

  8. Everyone else has already said everything I think Ray - very nice model and as you say, seems reasonable at £35!

  9. Nice work on the complex, Ray! :)

  10. I'm impressed with what you've done with the main building there Ray. Very good modelling skills.

  11. Lovely building complex Ray. I think I prefer the courtyard clear of the smaller building.

    1. Yeh, I totally agree, there needs to be a bit of room inside to move around.

  12. Well done Ray it looks fabulous 👍

  13. Great work on these building, Ray. The price for the kit was very good too.

  14. Great work, I think the main building with the additions works really well, I agree with removing the smaller building, gives you another terrain piece! I'd be inclined to add pva and sharp sand in at least some areas of the yard ,just to give it some texture?
    Best Iain

    1. Believe it or not, its already got PVA and sand on it, I wanted to put polyfiller on to give it a more rough look, but was scared the base might warp.

  15. That looks great, I just ordered one for myself!

    1. Excellent! I shall look forward to seeing yours all painted up.
