
Saturday 16 October 2021

Rejects on tour - SELWG 2021


The Rejects are finally attending a show again!!! We're off to SELWG tomorrow!

The show has moved venues and its now at Lee Valley Athletics Centre, which is a a way away from the old venue of Crystal Palace. So for us, its a little farther to drive, but I won't be counting the miles, I just can't wait for the show to start!
If by chance your going and you see 4 idiots walking around in matching red polo shirts please say hello!
Are any of you fair readers going? If so see you there!


  1. Enjoy the show. Much too far for me.

  2. I'm going, so I'll see you there! It'll be good to catch up with you guys.

  3. Wish I were there and see you all!

  4. I'm giving it a miss this year... Lee Valley seems too much of a trek and there's nothing I really need (not that that usually stops me!)

  5. Go and enjoy!! Just to get out and socialize if nothing else.

  6. Looking forward to your report and seeing all the goodies you spend your hard earned dosh on Ray! I feel the show needs a name change - it is geographically inaccurate to call it the South East London Wargames Show and then hold it in North London! Mind you, we used to have a flower show in Ellerslie, a suburb of Auckland, which they up and relocated to Christchurch a few years ago - but they carried on calling it the Ellerslie Flower Show!

    1. It's the SELWG Show, not the SELW Show, named for the club (South East London Wargames Group).

    2. Ah, memories of the old Friday night meetings at Marvels Lane Youth Club. I always liked that the show was Sarf of the River like the club :)

    3. Shame its moved north, its an extra 40 minute drive for us now.
