
Tuesday 23 November 2021

Salute Loot 2021

Its lucky I've entered another Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge.
Where would I have found the time to paint this lot up otherwise?

Above Debris of War Grass Tufts
You can never have enough tufts!

25mm round bases from Warbases
Need I say more?

Dead and Prisoners figures from Col Bill, got something in mind for these chaps already
& 2 of the same figure Prince Rupert  from Bicorne. Don't ask.....

A pre-order from Warfare minis!

Cossacks, Imperial Cuirassiers and new commanders.

Do I need more commanders?
Or do I want more commanders?

Wagon wheels, from Eagle Figures (for the same plan I have with the Col Bill figures) and
and table and bench and a fantasy (yeh I know) figure, incase I need something like that for the Challenge from Encounter Terrain

A few more packs from Trent Miniatures.
Just to make up a couple more units.......he says!

Hmmm more new command figures, this time from Reiver/Northumberland Painting Services . Commanders and characters for my Austian/Imperialist troops????
As well as some Austrian Grenadiers

Polish Winged Hussars and Pancerni from Redoubt Enterprises!!!!!!!

These are really nice figures, can't wait to get them painted.

And finally a 6 x 4 cloth mat from Geek Villain!
I've been after a mat of some kind for a while, we got a bargain , me and Lee bought a mat each and got a little discount.

And that's your lot!


  1. I'll look forward to the Eastern Euro stuff.

  2. Ray, a satisfying bit of retail therapy.

  3. Some great loot there, looking forwards to seeing what you are going to do in the challenge?

  4. You never know when you might need a picnic table!
    Quite the haul there. That will keep you busy a while.

  5. I suspect Doonybrook will make another appearance in the challenge!:-)


  6. Nice haul Ray. i like the texture on the Geek mat, is their Sicily one?

    1. It's their Autumn mat. I liked the bits if brown, just breaks it up.

  7. A nice stash Ray…
    The Geek Villain mats are really nice…

    All the best. Aly

  8. Nice hobby haul, Ray! I like those Redoubt figures.

  9. A cracking haul, the mat looks the business and some really lovely figures in you haul, well done!!

    1. Thanks Donnie, now for a lick or two of paint!

  10. An impressive collection of purchases Ray. I've never heard of Geek Villain so will have to have a look at their offerings.

  11. Good haul. Looks like we both spent a lot at Salute.

  12. An interesting haul Ray, keen to see what becomes of the wheels and the dead and prisoner figures.

    Cheers, Ross

  13. That's quite an impressive haul there Ray, you are certainly going to be busy over Winter!

  14. great big pile of steaming lead, marvellous

  15. All just essentials I assume?

  16. Good haul right enough. Should keep you busy for a bit :-)

  17. That's a great mix if new kit you have snared Ray...I will be interested to see how your Reiver Miniatures figures come out...I have a few in my WSS collection and they are certainly a very idiosyncratic style and possibly not to all tastes...although I quite liked them and they are very affordable

    1. I quite like Reiver figures, they remind me a lot of Old Glory figures. Check out the Reiver label on the right, you can see some other figures of theirs's I've previously painted up.

  18. I see a busy winter in my crystal ball for you
