
Tuesday 22 February 2022

AHPC 12 - Haitian Revolution - Spanish Infantry and Commanders 125pts

Finding any information about the Spanish army in Haiti has proved to be quite difficult.
I do know they fought in 2 major battles, The Battle of Gonnaives and the Battle of Saint-Raphael , both in 1794.

I did find a picture online of the Batallon Auxiliar de las Tropas Espanolas de la isla de Santo Domingo.
Which looked pretty fancy, with their light blue cuffs and facings.

So I decided to paint them up as that unit, with the longest name EVER!

The figures are from Trent Miniatures, now sold by Skytrex and Warlord.

The command are from Front Rank, as Trent don't sell Spanish command figures.

Also from Front Rank are these three mounted Colonels.

Two are painted in the same uniform as the infantry, while the last figure is painted up in the normal Spanish dress of a General.

I found the Spanish flag image online, its not specifically for this unit, I don't even know if they carried a flag or not, but I think it adds a little panache to the unit.

Brigadier General

Mounted Infantry Officer

Field Officer

There are 19 x 25mm Foot figures @ 5 pts each = 95pts
and 3 x Mounted 25mm figures @10 pts each = 30pts

Total 125 pts



  1. In this day and age, you'd think you could find everything online...

  2. Well done on finding anything about this obscure (imho) bit of history and well done too getting th Donnybrook production line going (they are for Donnurook right ?)

    1. Well, probably not Donnybrook if I'm honest, I'd like to keep Donnybrook for the late 1600's armies. I'm still undecided what rules to use, but I'm veering towards Sharpe Practice.

  3. Great looking figures. And the story continues...

  4. Beautifully painted troops, Ray. They certainly deserve their lengthy title.

  5. They are superb Ray, lovely work. That is a cracking uniform, the blue really pops. Obscure it may be but all the more interesting for that.

    1. The blue really works well on the white uniform and does pop, like you said Donnie.

  6. Great work Ray, and I immediately recognised the Front Rank command figures having done quite a few of them myself.

    1. Iconic poses Lawrence, can figures be iconic?

  7. Wonderful stuff Ray, you are so right about the lack of uniform details, the blue cuffs and collars are a lovely touch.

  8. That name us a bit if a mouthful isn't ur? Great looking unit Anne thr FR figures seem to work very well with their Trent brethren !

  9. These all look cracking Ray! Great job!

  10. Lovely work as usual Ray. We have to have a game with these soon, they look great.

  11. A lovely looking unit Ray…

    Will you insist on naming them in full when they are issued orders?

    All the best. Aly

  12. That name is appropriately silly. I hope they perform as splendidly on the battlefield!

    Love those light blue facings. At least in that Caribbean heat, they’ll be thankful they are wearing white?

    1. Agreed, it must have been hot with all those woollen uniforms on. Makes me hot just thinking about it?

  13. Wonderfull painted Spanish infantry! I like the white and blue on the uniform. Reminds me taht I still have to paint some of these guys in 1/72 scale!


    1. What you waiting for then Peter? Get that brush out.
