
Monday 28 February 2022

AHPC12 Lune/Sorcery Cooking Man and Haitian Priests

Finally made it to The Inner Ring, and my first Planet to visit via Arakkis is Lune, I'll be using the Tag Witchcraft/Sorcery.

I first saw the 3 figures in this post on Stuart's blog Dust, Tears & Dice and thought I'll have to get them one day. When I saw the list of planets in the Challenge I ordered them straight away.

I already had the Cooking Man figure from Infinity Engine. Sold as Campfire with Human BBQ! Yum!
I picked that up at a show a few years ago, thinking I might need it one day for the Challenge, and that day has come!

The three North Star figures are from the Dracula's America range
The Mambo, the Bokor,  and the Houngan

A manbo (also written as mambo) is a priestess (as opposed to a oungan, a male priest) in the Haitain Vodoo religion

A bokor (male) or caplata (female) is a Vodoo witch for hire who is said to serve the loa "with both hands", practicing for both good and evil. Their black magic includes the creation of zombies and of 'ouangas', talismans that house spirits

Oungan (also written as houngan) is the term for a male priest in Haitian Vodou (a female priest is known as a manbo)

Rear view

I think this could possibly be a former Plantation Owner, who was rather disliked by his subjects?

The only problem with the figures is they're tiny, as you can see in the photo. I've added a Trent mini
for scale. The North Star figures have already been double based to give them a little more height.
I'm sure they'll mix in well though, the Rejects won't even notice the size difference.  
Rebel/Slave leaders are pretty hard to come by so these will fit in well and become commanders for the Rebel/Slave army.

3 x 25mm figures @ 5 pts= 15pts
Not sure how many points for the Cooking man?  I'll leave that to you Greg.
20 pts for the Lune bonus



  1. Lovely! Voodoo is my one of favourite theme. Your cultists looking great!

  2. They are cracking Ray, I have never come across these figures before and they are great looking figures and you have done them proud, great work!

    1. Thanks Donnie, I'm very pleased with them.

  3. Great work Ray, I particularly like the one with the white face paint, reminds me of 007 in Live and let Die! You have also done a great job on the colour of the Flames under the roasting slave owner!

    1. Thanks Keith, he does look like the chap form the film doesn't he?

  4. Very lively figures Ray, and as Keith has said you have nailed the flames in the fire pit which is not easy to do.

  5. Hoo Doo that Voodoo like you do? Love the figures& your brushwork on them.

  6. Tastes like pork or so I’ve read.

    Grisly little scene, but very nicely painted. Like Keith, my mind was reminded of James Bond as well

    1. So they say Dai? They'll certainly get there fill, he's a large chap.

  7. Splendid stuff Ray…
    Some people will do anything to get a tan…😬

    All the best. Aly

  8. This reminds me that I have to do the cooking today! Can I have the recipe please? :-D

    Nice painted figures Ray!


    1. Quite easy

      1 x former plantation owner
      10lbs of butter
