
Wednesday 30 March 2022

AHPC12 - Donnybrook - Vienna 1683 - Polish Haiduk Infantry


Staying on the Vienna 1683 project for my next post.
I've been scrabbling for info on the Polish Infantry that was sent as part of the relief force to Vienna.
It would have saved me a lot of fuss to include these in my venture to the centre of the Challenge Quadrant, but alas, I'd already started painting these and perhaps some other too?????

From what I've read so far it only looks like 2 units were sent?
And as per usual I don't know what 2 units and what they wore?

So I've gone for a generic blue coated faced red.
The 8 figures on the left are from Essex Miniatures,
The 8 on the right are from The Assault Group.
The 3 command figures are also from TAG.

I found the flag online here on Another Miniatures Painting Blog , this and other on the site are taken from The Stockholm Roll.
The “Stockholm Roll”, a 16 m long painting depicting the entry of the wedding procession of King Sigismund III Vasa into the city of Kraków in 1605, is now on show in the Royal Castle in Warsaw.

The Essex figures were a little smaller all round than the TAG figures, so I double based them, which bought them up to the same height, which made the fit in a little better. Not perfectly, but it'll do fine for me and the Rejects.

I will need to print the flag off again, with a better quality paper, as this one is rather 
wishy washy in colour.

19 x 25mm figures @5pts each

95 points!
This should push me back up to 7th place, only 3 points ahead of Kerry!!
And 39 points behind Miles!


  1. Double based!? And there I was bamboozled and thinking the two manufacturers made some minis that mixed perfectly.

    Full of character and moustaches, what else is required. Love ‘em Ray

    1. All I did was glued some card to the MDF base then stick the figures on top. Just gives them enough height to look roughly the same height.

  2. Looking good! Up to Spot #7 in the contest? Well done!

  3. Lovely work Ray, nice colourful unit, with the double base the figures work well together.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Michal, I thought you might like them.

  5. Great looking figures Ray and I love the flag...good find!

  6. Nice work Ray, and good job on 7th place.

  7. ANother Donnybrook unit, who'd have thought? Great looking unit and the commander is superbly done, looking very bored with the whole thing. Is it just me or is nineteen figures a strange number for a unit ?

    1. Yep, 19 is a strange number. Actually they're 2 units of 8 with command figures. In Donnybrook drilled units are 8 figures, they use a D8, the command figures are character figures using either a D6 D8 D10 or if they're super troopers a D12!

  8. Another lovely looking unit Ray…
    The flag is very nice indeed… a good find.

    All the best. Aly

  9. Great looking uniforms! I like the combination of the colors.

