
Thursday 24 March 2022

AHPC12 - Haitian Commander - General Davide

I've been on a few of the Zoom & Paint chats organized by fellow Challengers JamesM and DaveD, via Facebook. If you haven't joined in please do so, its great to see fellow Challengers face to face (well virtually anyway) and paint up figures and chat about whatever takes your fancy, at the same time.

On one of these Zoom calls, Dave said he had a old Trent figure, that he'd started to paint up, he'd never finish it and did I want it? Hell yes!!!
Well he arrived the next day! Thanks Dave!"
 The figure is actually a representation of  General Lecourbe, but as I only have 1 Haitian mounted General, I thought I'd paint him up for the Haitians.

He was a little chipped, so I had to go over Dave's original paintwork on the horse. Looked like Dave had painted with oils as it was a bugger to paint over.

1 x 25mm mounted figure gives me 10 points!



  1. Fine job and that was nice of him to send you the figure.
    Cool you guys have a place to gather and chat online.

  2. Good job on the figures. Oils can be a tough act to follow.

  3. Nice addition to your collection, he looks the part and a really good paint job on him. So many nice people in this hobby, never ceases to amaze and comfort me.

    1. Absolutely, we do have a great community spirit in wargaming, that's for sure!

  4. That is a great character figure, Ray! Love the receding hair!

  5. Looks good! Nice gesture by David.

  6. He looks great Ray. Acrylics over oils is a difficult task.

  7. Wonderful gift and a really good figure too. Well done getting any paint over an oil base - it's definetly a bu**er.

  8. What a con...if the figure was already 95% painted, you can't claim full points Ray! Very nice figure and a much better use of technology than endless Teams meetings about budget reviews etc!

    1. It was only the horse that was painted, and I had to go over the paintjob as it was chipped in a few places.

  9. A lovely little figure Ray…

    All the best. Aly

  10. That's a fine looking commander! I like the skintone!

