
Tuesday 8 March 2022

AHPC12 Three in one - Aethelflaed, Achilles and the Whisperer.


For my visit to Xanth,(another planet that I had to look up) I'm using the tag, A Unique Talent.
During my 3rd spell with covid, when I was locked in my shed for a week, I re-watched The Last Kingdom on Netflix, amongst other things. 

I already had Col Bill's Aethelflaed figure, which I planned to paint as a gift for my Dad. So thought it'd be a good entry into the bonus round.

I used the colours in this stain glass window to paint her up, I was going to go for all white, but I think this colour scheme looks better?

Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians (c. 870 – 12 June 918) ruled Mercia in the midlands from 911 until her death. She was the eldest daughter of Alfred the Great, king of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex and his wife Ealhswith.
Æthelred her husband died in 911 and Æthelflæd then ruled Mercia as Lady of the Mercians. The accession of a female ruler in Mercia is described by the historian Ian Walker as "one of the most unique events in early medieval history". Hence the Unique Talent.

5pts for the figure
20 pts for the bonus

Figure 2 in this post and I've flown from Xanth to Mars, here I'll use the Tagline "Gods of War"

My original plan was to paint a figure of Ares, the Greek God of war, but Wargames Foundry had sold out of the pack. So I opted for a different Foundry pack and went with a Greek hero instead, Achilles.

Achilles was the son of Peleus, a Greek king, and Thetis, a sea nymph or goddess.

Zeus, the king of the gods and Poseidon, god of the sea, had both fallen in love with Thetis and were rivals for her hand in marriage. However, the gods were warned of a prophecy that Thetis would have a son who would grow up to be greater than his father. Worried by this, Zeus arranged for Thetis to marry a mortal man so that her child couldn’t challenge his power. In another version of the story, Thetis rejects Zeus’s advances and a furious Zeus decrees that she will never marry a god. Either way, Thetis ends up married to the mortal Peleus and Achilles is born.

5pts for the figure
20 pts for the bonus

My last figure in the post, I'm catching a lift on Sarah's Star Yacht from Mars to Krypton.

This figure comes from North Star's 1672 range and is one of their figures in pack GS43- Civilian Party

Lady Sarah will enter the giant Donnybrook civilian box, to sit amongst the other million figures I've already painted up, hoping that one day she will be used in a game........any game!!!

So I've only Krypton to go, then I can enter the Challenge XII  Sun.

5pts for the figure
20 pts for the bonus

So that's a total of  75pts
Not bad for 3 figures ah Greg?


  1. Very nice work on all these Ray...I gave painted the third figure myself.....and often been tempted by the Lady of Mercia story....this is the Belt Fed figure from Col Bills, isn't it? Bad Squiddo do her as well!

    1. Yes, it is a Belt Fed Girl figure, at least they covered her cleavage with this figure ;0)

  2. Love the Achilles figure- reminds me of Brad Pitt!

    1. Indeed he does, great film, great actor and a great figure too!

  3. Nice journey through. 3 figures. I like your color choices. A box full of figures waiting for a game...a familiar tale of woe.

    1. Its actually more like 20 odd boxes waiting for a game if I'm honest!

  4. Really nice work on the figures. That first one is a perfect match to the stained glass.
    And you win, Ray. I don't know anyone who's gotten Covid twice, let alone three times!

    1. My nephew who is a Sheriffs Deputy in Florida had it twice last time I heard....and that was a long time ago, so he may well have had it again since....but three IS a pretty good effort!

    2. And I don't want it again thank you very much!

  5. Nicely done, especially Achilles

    1. Thanks Neil, he's a great looking figure for sure.

  6. I like all three of these, especially the lady with the bloody great sword. Good stuff Ray.

    1. Think she'd need muscly arms to wield that beast!

  7. Great stuff. Achilles is my favourite of the three, and I especially like the way you have done the helmet.

  8. Really nice animation on those figures and a great idea to use the window artwork for inspiration.

    1. I was pretty stuck how to paint her up tbh. So a quick trip on Google and I found that pic!

  9. A nice trio of figures, each outstanding in their own right.

  10. A nice mix of unusual figures Ray….
    I am sure there is a game waiting for all of them…

    All the best. Aly

  11. Good work Ray, was never a fan of Achilles though, Hector and Troy for me.

  12. Lovely stuff as usual Ray. Maybe you should take on the Trojan War as a project?

    1. I've already got loads in 15mm Richard, that have never been played with!

    2. Well then... what are we waiting for?

  13. Wonderfull painted figures! Achilles is missing an arrow in a certain place in his body! ;-)

