
Tuesday 5 April 2022

AHPC12 - Donnybrook Femme Fatale's


Tamsin usually finds herself  blessed being my Minion each year during the Challenge, but it wasn't to be this year. So, as she's minioning today I thought I stick a small post on for her as a pressie. Here we have 2 x Femme Fatale's

I've had these figures for many moons and painted them up just incase I needed any more lifts on Sarah's Star Yacht. That ship has now sailed. So these luvvly ladies are going spare.

The lady on the left is the Governors Daughter and is a resin model, I can't for the life of me remember the manufacturer??? The hatted lady on the right is another of the civiies from North Star's 1672 range.

I still working on other figures, hopefully I'll have more posts to sneak in??

10 point please Tamsin? Unless you wanna give me any bonus points which I know you won't?



  1. That got my attention Ray! And, I can even tell you where the Governors Daughter comes from....the Black Scorpion range of pirates....there are some lovely female pirates in the range too! A great figure that I have often considered purchasing, maybe this is will inspire me to do so!

    1. That's them! Just couldn't remember, nice one Keith.

  2. Another lovely characters sir!
    warm regards

  3. Great work Ray, and nice choice of colours.

  4. Lovely work on two very nice figures, I particularly like the Governers daughter, superb job!

  5. Well done getting another pair out of the lead/plastic/resin mountain, both if which look very serviceable (in a polite way).

  6. Lovely ladies, Ray! Love the grand style dresses

  7. Lovely work on the ladies. Always a treat to see the feminine side on the table.

  8. Very nice indeed…

    All the best. Aly

  9. Lovely painted ladies Ray!

