
Wednesday 13 April 2022

AHPC12 - Planet Curt - Vienna Militia & Ottoman Archers


From Minion GregB
"Ray has successfully navigated the perilous interstellar shoals of the Challenge 12 Quadrant, arriving at the very core of this complex set of worlds. Thus he has earned a final Challenge from the Snowlord!"

"Ray, I love your Siege of Vienna project, and I think it needs a further boost! We know what prodigious, sandbag-levels of painting you are capable of...therefore, to appease the Great and All-Knowing Snowlord, you shall paint TWO more units for this project - one for the Ottoman side, and one for the defenders of Vienna!
Good luck Ray!"

After a lot of thought I decided on the two units I'd paint up for my trip to the centre of the Challenge Universe. I've been painting up loads of Poles, for my Siege of Vienna project, BUT , the Poles came to the recue of the Austrians holed up in Vienna and did not defend the walls.

So I chose a unit of Austrian's, I do have a unit of infantry I want to paint up, but there's at least 20 figures in that unit, so I chose a smaller unit of Austrian town Militia. A small 8 figure unit with 4 command figures, all from Dixon Miniatures.

The Austrians loved their grey, so the only colour other than grey is their red neckerchief.

Officers could wear whatever they fancied!

So I painted him up in the same kinda blue as is on the flag, which I found online.

Rear shot!
I do like that flag!

And now for the Ottomans!

I didn't actually have any Ottomans ready or planned to paint anymore during this Challenge.

I did have the artillery, previously posted, but I'd already started painting them at the time.
So I delved into the big box of figures I bought from fellow blogger Dave Crook, he was selling them as part of a collection of his friend Eric who passed away.

In said box were 8 Old Glory archers and 8 Dixon archers.
So I mixed them together, to make a unit of 12 archers to represent some of the lighter Seyman Peasant Militia conscripted by the Ottomans from their provinces such as Anatolia, Judea, Egypt, Armenia or Capadocia, where these fine fellow are from.

The Dixon figures are pretty small up against the Old Glory figures and are not that animated either.

But double basing them brings them up to roughly the same height..

So there we have it...
2 units one for each side for the Siege of Vienna 1683!!!

Austrians x 12 figures 60 points
Ottoman x 12 figures 60 points
Dunno if you get extra for making it to the centre or not?


  1. You should get extra after that demand!

  2. Another impressive bunch Ray. I love that Austrian flag.

  3. Nice work my experience, Austrians ALWAYS have great flags! Dixon must be pretty small if OG 25's are bigger ! How do they compare with the Warfare Miniatures ?

    1. OG's are fairly similar to Warfare, I stuck thick card to mdf bases to make the Dixons taller. Although OG's do usually have a very thick base on the figures already.

  4. A great collection of Ottomans and Austrians Ray. Another vote for the Austrian flag, it looks great.

  5. Wonderful brushwork. I like both units, the Dixon's style is classic, the mix in the archer unit is great, and the double basing very clever.

  6. That is a really good flag Ray. Compliments the well painted Austrians a treat.

    1. Cheers Rich! Love the flag, I was always gonna paint up some defenders of Vienna anyway, but when I saw that flag........

  7. Great work again Ray, really like both units but the Austrians are really top notch. In my humble opinion Dixons figures for this period are quite superb, real character about them.

    1. Gotta agree Donnie, they might not look all that when unpainted, but they really paint up well. Thank gawd they didn't where all the lacelike in the 7YW!

  8. Great looking figures as always, Ray. I like the contrast of the Austrians in grey and the colorful Ottomans.

    1. I deliberately keep the Austrians looking quite drab and you can be as colourful as you want with the Ottomans.

  9. Great work Ray. Love the flag for the Austrian militia

  10. More great stuff and I love your style.

  11. Another bunch of great painted figures!

