
Thursday 5 May 2022

The Battle of Steve's Creek 1862 - A 15mm ACW Batrep


Posties wouldn't tell us what game we were playing, I should have guessed it was the American Civil War. I've nothing against playing the ACW apart from the rules we use, "Fire n Fury". At one point I will admit to loving the rules, but that was many moons ago, now they fill me with a sense of dread and anger. I've said it before, you could have the tactical genius of a mushroom and as long as you keep throwing high you'll win. I've had my fair share of wins and my fair share of losses with these rules, most of the losses were ones where I could quite easily hang up the dice and take up crochet!

So when Postie said those memorable words Fire & Fury, there were a few groans and a few swear words, none from Steve though, the newbie Reject, he's yet to suffer the rules. They can't be that bad he said. "You wait, Steve, you'll find out what we mean"

The set up
We picked out sides, Lee and myself were the Confederates.
Steve and Surj were the Union.

Lee photobombs my pic.
I've included it as punishment, doesn't he look a tit!
Postie then told us he's changed the rules slightly, we are no longer using a D10 for all throws, he wanted to even out the rolls and stop the 10-1 throw that comes at a crucial melee roll. We'd now be rolling 2 x D6, with tables increased to 12 instead of the usual 10.

"OK, that might work?" 

Although it was a meeting engagement, we knew we'd be doing the attacking.
Above are my troops, the 1st Corps commanded by Longstreet, the 1st to 5th Virginia

Lee's troops on the right are the 1st Corps 2nd Division commanded by Hood
the 1st-5th Texas

In a surprising move, Steve moved over the hill, I thought he'd set up on the hill?

Surj was spread out quite a bit so, we thought we'd have a good chance on beating Surj's men from the 2nd Div under Ricketts, the 1st to 4th Pennsylvania


First blood goes to our artillery!

Its always difficult to get organized for an attack in FnF, you never know if a unit will throw bad for movement. Luckily I'd left enough room if things went bad, which this turn they didn't.

Steve's column middle left had no room to go into line, unless he wanted to get his feet wet?

On the right, Lee moves through the cornfield.

Steve moved his column back, only leaving 1 unit out front, but he did 3 artillery pieces pointing at me!

Surj got into a defensive line with his artillery out on his left flank. 

Well that's buggered that then, our advantage that you need when attacking has gone. The Union get some reinforments on the board, The Rhode Island cavalry turn up on the road on our left. I told Lee before the game that this was gonna happen, when I saw the way Postie had laid out the terrain.
That's taken one of my units out of the attack

Lee squares up to Surj

I moved up to block the bridge and moved within charge range for next turn.

Will Steve charge me in column?

Lee doing his thang!

The Union players, yes I'm including Postie in that!

Steve charges me before I get the chance!
He threw bad I threw good.
This  invoked Steve's first swear word about the dice and the rules!

I did manage to silence one of Steve's artillery, which had to move back off of the hill.

Steve dismounted his cavalry, they now became the best unit on the table.

I moved my guns off the hill, to try and get a shot on the Union troops on the hill.

Surj is hiding in the corn, lets hope both units charge eh, Lee?

This isn't good, Surj charges 2 units into Lee's already decimated unit.

Hmm? What to charge?

Lee needs to charge, but unseen on he hill are the Union guns, they'll do some damage IF they throw well.

I wanted to charge both my units, but the one in the centre only had half move so wouldn't reach, which was a bit of a pain, I'm sure I popped a few blood vessels at this!!!

Lee does the Reb thing and charges as well.

I moved my damaged unit on the right up past the 1/2 move boys, mainly to protect them, as they hadn't had any causalities yet.

Not really sure who's winning the game at the moment?

Lee moves his guns forward so he can shoot at something.

I throw badly and am pushed back and receive a n orange marker meaning "Not Fresh"
Which is very bad!

Lee has a bit more luck than me.....

He thrashes the Union troops pushing them back nearly off the table.

An exchange of fire at the bridge.

And Steve charges as well.

Lee advances into the cornfield, with a bit of luck he can charge again next turn and hit the worn Union troops!

Steve's 2 charges go either way.

I knock Steve back to the bottom of the hill, but he knocks me back a full move in the other melee and follows up on my troops guarding the bridge.

But lady luck is on my side this turn and I beat Steve back.
This made Steve's eye twitch like Herbert Lom, whenever Inspector Clouseau walks in the room.
Steve was heard muttering under his breath.

A different angle of the same scene.

Back in I go in the centre, including the 1/2 move boys!

Lee charges as well, but threw a 3 to Surj's 9, so was pushed back.

It was getting late, so we knew it was the last turn. I charge the Union guns and soon wished I hadn't as my unit received a red marker going worn.

I knock back both of Steve's units.

And charge again on the follow up!

But here was where the game was won.
Surj's off pic artillery threw an enfilade shot at Lee's unit on the right in the cornfield.
Surj only went and threw a 12, the one and only time during the game a 12 was rolled.
The unit lost 2 stands of figures which made it go worn and the exceptional leader was killed 

So there the game ended, Postie added up the scores. The Union claimed a victory, 12-9. If Surj hadn't thrown that 12 on that turn we would have won the game!
The changes Postie made to the rules worked very well, so I might give Fire & Fury another chance, until the next game of course!

Silly bloody rules!

I was going to type all this out, but in the end didn't. You can see both sides were severely mauled throughout the game. I still think we need more troops as we were attacking and most of our loses came before we even got into melee, due to artillery fire. We ended up with only 2 units in a fit state to fight, while the Union finished with 4. Now that tells me we need another 2 units at least?

But hey ho, what can you do....


  1. I can't comment on ACW rules Ray...but I have heard Fire and Fury mentioned by quite a few ACW gamers so I guess they are quite popular! The game seemed a bit of a slogging match and went down to the wire...won by Surj on a flukey roll at the no blame attaches to the Rebs tactics!

    1. No, out tactics were sound, but we lost to many casualties movies in. Union artillery fires better that Confederate artillery. There's didn't need to move where ours did. But that's the nature of the game.

  2. Again a wonderfull battle report and pictures Ray! Thanks for sharing! And better luck next time!


    1. I need a bit of luck my way Peter, I think I'm 1-4 on wins to loses so far this year.

  3. Great looking figures and seemed a close game even with ‘those’ rules :-)

    1. It was close, if it wasn't forvSurj's last throw of the game we could won!

  4. Game looks really good. I quite like F&F (Regt version) but I guess one mans thoroughbred is another mans old nag :-)

  5. Union always wins!
    Slight change in rules help? If no one likes Fire N Fury, why play by them?

  6. Looks like a good game and still sounds fun in spite of your antipathy to the rules!
    Best Iain

    1. I did enjoy the game tbh, it was a real slog.

  7. I always loved the Fire n Fury rules, but I know what you mean on the 10 - 1 rolls which can be rather frustrating. Haven't played them in a while so might dust them down

    1. Unfortunately it does only take 1 dodgy dice roll to win or lose a game.

  8. Excellent battle report, Ray! I know what you mean about FnF. Maddening at times. Opposed D10s can muck up the best laid plans much too frequently. However, combat is chaotic and unpredictable. FnF is still popular in this part of the world although we tend to play the second edition much more often than the original incarnation. Postie sure puts out massive games.

    1. We've only played the first version, but Posties 2 D6 rule seems to work well.

  9. This made so much more sense once I clued in that your repeated references to "Lee" meant "Big" Lee and not "Robert E." Lee.

  10. Lovely looking game and table Ray. Postie does indeed put on an impressive spread.

    The few times I've played F&F I've thoroughly enjoyed it and moreso than other ACW rules sets. Been a bit though so perhaps I need another playthrough to be reminded?

    1. They are a frustrating set of rules, if the dice go well, they're a great set, throw a few dodgy dice and the eye starts to twitch.

  11. Epic stuff Ray, but not to be your day again.

  12. Fire and Fury are one of the few ACW rulesets I have heard of. The way you have described them does make them sound a bit gamey, but it seemed like an exciting game all the same.

    1. They are exciting and with the dice led rules do make for an unpredictable kinda game.

  13. Ah Ray, I enjoyed your opening paragraph being a fellow traveller who is not enamoured with the 'popular' Fire and Fury.
    Nevertheless, a fine looking game and top report—getting together with mates for some shared fun can overcome anything, hey?!
    Regards, James

    1. Absolutely James, that's the most important part of any game.

  14. Super looking table and figures, 15mm or 10mm are the scales for the ACW in my humble opinion. Super report, very enjoyable.

  15. Played ACW since 1988 with Johnny Reb II and never regretted it, my No1 all time rule set. Great report.

    1. We tried Johnny Reb and as a group chose FnF over them. Silly boys!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Super report Ray. Sounds like, despite Postie's changes, Fire and Fury remains a "snakes and ladders" where the dice overrides all else - including sound tactical thinking. Good job I learned to accept them as just a bit of fun and an excuse for time with friends.

  18. I find F&F a fine set of rules. However, I agree that throwing D10’s in melee can give wildly unexpected (and unrealistic) results at times. Being based on F&F, the same applies to Age of Eagles, it’s Napoleonic variant. We came to the same solution as Postie - players throw 2D6’s instead of D10’s for hand to hand combat and found that this evened things out considerably. So, yes, they deserve a second chance - go for it!

    1. Oh, and fabulous game by the way!

    2. 2 D6 do definitely work better. I may learn to love the rules again!

  19. I enjoyed that Ray, thank you. I had been curious about F&F and now I know. A lively game all the same.

  20. Great battle report Ray, you made F&F seem quite good fun this time! I tend to agree with your conclusions about the original, though it was the ruleset which really got me wargaming 'properly' after having my early efforts with 1980's rules sapping the fun from it all. Having said that I tend to use the scenario rule books and use a heavily modified Black Powder set which I find gives a great game now.
    Best wishes, Jason

    1. Try it again with 2 D6, its not perfect but it really works well.
