
Monday 13 June 2022

Broadside - Posties Rejects - The Battle of Beau Hunks

As you may know, the Rejects were at Broadside Wargames Show last Saturday, we put on
a French Foreign Legion v Berber demo game called the Battle of Beau Hunks.
It was all the work of BigLee, from painting the figures and making the terrain to re-writing the rules, to make them more show friendly. And what a fine job he did, others thought the same, when at the end of the show Lee's game was voted "Best Show Game"

It was a very busy day, which we all enjoyed immensely. I did stupidly think that we might get two games in, but we only just managed, the one game. We do like to interact with the people coming to admire the game, so at various times the game completely stopped or carried on while some of us were chatting, which meant we all missed parts of the game. So this isn't so much as a battle report, rather than a post with some pictures.
I'd suggest popping over to Richard and Lee's blogs for their reports

Lee, Steve, Ricard and Surj, planning their attack.

The headless Reject!

In our practice game, the Berbers moved a little too close to the fort, they didn't make that mistake in this game.

Looks like they're heading for the centre?

In the practice game, our best performing unit was our Cavalry. (T'was a bit like a Tiger tank) so for this game boring Lee downgraded them to mounted infantry.
So instead of attacking we defended the rough ground.

Dave finally got our artillery out of the gates, the first 2 turns he threw snake eyes for them, which denied them a move. We wanted to put the artillery on the walls, but Lee wouldn't ley us?

Here's where they attacked in the first game, not this one.

Long range fire

We get knocked out of the rough ground.

We're holding our own......just!

Lee worked hard on the game and on the display as well.
Answer a question and win a lolipop!

The push through the middle's going well for them.

The walls gave us a little protection.

Poor goats and goat herder getting caught up in the battle!

Another winning melee for the Berbers. This time they push us off table. But we might return?

History meets Hollywood
Stan & Ollie

Stan & Ollie could win the game, if they manage to pick up 8 Jeanie Weanie cards.
At the end of each turn Stan & Ollie have to move and attach themselves to a Legion unit commander, then pick up two cards. It could be a Jeanie Weanie or an event or even better a Slapstick cars!

One of the event cards was The Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.
Postie sang the song and I did the dance!!!
But we received two casualties back for making fools out of ourselves, in public!!!

There's hordes of 'um!

I think the flag should be flying at half maste?

Time was running out and so was our luck!

Some great dice from the Berbers on the last turn, smashed the FFL to a pulp!

A well deserved victory was handed to the Berbers and to BigLee for a great game!


  1. I can easily see why it won best of show, the whole set up i really impressive, the board is stunning.

    1. Thanks Donnie, I'm glad you like the game

  2. Looks like a great game in all three reports Ray....what ended up happening to Stan and Ollie???

    1. They escaped with their lives after visiting 5 commanders collecting I think it was 4 Jeanie Weanie cards and finished in 2nd place!

  3. What a great looking game sir!

  4. A great game and nice to see it from a few different perspectives.

  5. You all pulled off a great looking game. Congrats on the award!

  6. Excellent looking game and well played everyone!

  7. The game is impressive and has some wondrous extras. Glad to see it was recognized!

  8. Top notch stuff Ray! The Stan and Ollie thing and the cards are a very nice and original touch

  9. A great advert for the hobby must have been a blast, well done.

  10. What an amazing game! This would be worth flying across the Atlantic just to play in. Well done Sir!

  11. Great looking game and as always really enjoy your narratives Ray.


  12. Great looking game, sounds like a ton of fun!
    Best Iain

  13. Splendid stuff indeed Ray…
    And a well deserved Best Show Game award.

    All the best. Aly

  14. Why was only suitable dressed for a desert game? :-D Nice game and congrats! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Why was only Big Lee suitable dressed for a desert game?

    2. We did plan on wearing a fez, but quickly changed our minds!

  15. Wonderful stuff Ray, one still on my list to game..... perfect inspiration.
