
Thursday 23 June 2022

Haitian Revolution buildings


I'm sure you've all seen at least some of the figures I've been painting up for my Donnybrook Haitian Revolution project. Well I've got loads of figures done to its time for a game soon (fingers crossed). I made loads of jungle terrain a year or so ago, so my thoughts turned to buildings.

Funnily enough there aren't that many pictures of Santo Domingo during the late 1700's and nobody makes building specifically for this period (why would they?) Being a colonial French and Spanish island logic tells me the buildings would have a Spanish/Mediterranean look to them

You can get a little bit of an idea in this picture.

So the search was on for suitable looking buildings......

I remembered seeing some buildings on the buildings on Ken's Yarkshire Gamer's blog a few years ago
They were from a company called Empires at War, I decided that these would/could fit the bill.

Now here's the problem, I went slightly overboard and bought nearly the whole range! 
I have been busy beavering away building them ever since the Challenge ended. I did plan on posting pics as I went on, but it never happened, so here's a pic of the buildings that are left. 

But I wasn't yet satisfied......

Mrs R and the kids all chipped in and bought me some 4Ground Pirate range buildings.
I did look at these before buying the Empires at War buildings, but they are so expensive.
So when 4Ground announced they were closing (boooo!) and were having a sale, 
I thought I'd get some.

I ordered them back in March a few weeks before my Birthday, hoping they'd arrive in time for the big day??
But 4Ground had different ideas.
These actually turned up last Friday! I know they were inundated with orders, but 3 months?

Anyway I will start posting up a few pics of what I've made so far soon, so look out for the posts.



  1. Fantastic looking stuff sir!
    Best regards

  2. These look nice Ray. Buildings always seem to get pushed to the end of my queue, but I really must get stuck into a few over the next year or so myself.

    1. Pushed to the end of my queue too!

    2. Too true, it must be the same for most gamers.

  3. These will make a fine Haitian village. I could use these in Spain. Off for a look...

  4. That is a significant investment in real estate there Ray! I tend to hand build buildings as I am too poor/mean to pay the prices for good quality shipping to the other side of the world! Have you looked at TTG (I think) they do very reasonably priced Venetian buildings that would probably transition well to the New World.....

  5. They are actually called Table Top Combat...Google Carnivale mdf and you should find the site😊

  6. The Empires at War stuff are great models

  7. These will look great on your table.

  8. Nice looking buildings - I can see them in Peninsula scenarios too.

  9. An interesting (overlooked) period--I think Donnybrook is a good choice for it. I was thinking that pirate buildings would be a good fit...but it seems that you've already figured that one out.

    1. I'm still not too sure about the rules, I'm veering towards Sharpe Practise.

    2. Happy to share my stats Ray if you want them.

  10. Those look nice and certainly give that coast colonial feel.

  11. City fight- Donnybrook style, on the horizon then....

  12. Good looking selection, it's a pity about 4ground, the range Keith mentioned by TT combat for their carnivale game is what I've used for my Italian wars buildings, I made detachable roofs as they're mostly flat roofed but I think you can get them from TT combat themselves, pretty good price wise, which is always good!
    Best Iain

    1. Some of them look really nice. I may just have to get the wallet out again!

  13. You have a very large building project ahead of you Ray! These will be wonderful additions to your collection.

    1. I have gone a tad ott! Better get building!

  14. This will all look great on the table Ray. Plenty of work for you first though.

  15. Hi! Ray. I'm wondering if many of the figures could be used in the Cuban revolution of Juan Marti. The Spanish militia and the slaves/peasants. Two revolutions for the price of one!
