
Wednesday 5 October 2022

Expanding the wargame world at Reject HQ - Richard's 2mm figures

At the weekend 5 Rejects got together for a test game of Reject Richard's new period and new rules.

Richard had spent the last few months getting together two opposing armies for the French Wars of Religion 1562-1598. 

Richard's eye was caught by Sidney Roundwood's 2mm extravaganza originally and then also by the new Strength and Honour ruleset. (Which I've gotta admit made me rethink new projects as weel)

Rich splashed out on Irregular miniatures 2mm range, with the intention of having grand tactical games.

Which I hope you can also see the appeal for?

We used a 6 x 8 table, with plenty of room on the flanks, but only really used the middle of the board.

BigLee has already posted about this game here.
And like him I won't go into the rules too much, but all I can say is, they worked really really well.

Giving both a fun game, but more importantly a game that made you play to the period.

Also the figures looked really cool as well.

While 2mm won't be everyone's cup of tea, the thought of recreating massive battles from history, that would cost an arm and a leg in any other of the popular sizes 6, 10,15 and 25, should make you think again?
This unit of 48 French Gendarmes costs just £1.32!!!

Yep £1.32!

The same unit would cost approximately

£9.25 for 45 figures in 6mm
£18 in 10mm
a whopping £54 in 15mm
and wait for it....
£152 for 25mm

After seeing Richard's figures and Barry Hilton's Attack on Chatham Dockyard figures and terrain.
I too have purchased some 2mm figures, to refight a battle I could have only dreamed of doing before (more on that another day)

Check out Richard's blog My Wargaming Habit, for more on his figures and of his rules

The only thing you do need is a massive pair of glasses to paint the buggers!!!


  1. I agree that Richard's setup looks pretty cool.

  2. Wow, those are the smallest figures I have ever seen. I can see why big figures would cost too much to use for such a large battle though.

    1. Everything's going up in price including figures, so why not game cheaper?

  3. I really like the idea of 2mm as you can get massive armies for low cost, I bought some from Irregular but couldn't make anything of them painting wise I will get back to them and this post may be the one to get me back on the project, great stuff Ray!!

    1. Gotta admit, some of the Irregular figures are difficult to work out what's what.

  4. Bleh! 2mm.
    Just kidding. All sizes of miniatures are cool are cool and can look good on a table. Though I have no idea how one actually paints something so small. 😀😀

  5. I can see the attraction. It makes for a different type of game.

  6. Definitely the way to go for large battles. Borodino would look great in 2mm.

    1. Borodino would probably cost around £120 to do?

  7. Oh wow!! That's a seriously tempting post, Ray. Not really given 2mm that much of a look - especially as my eyes aren't what they were. But I could certainly be tempted... I'll be following your adventure with the scale with particular interest as a result. ;-)

    1. Me neither Simon, I'd always ignored them with a little scorn, until I saw what Richard was up to. The cogs started ticking, thinking of all those massive battles that if you wanted to recreate, would have to be scaled down, where in the end they were nothing like the real battle. Before i knew it figures have been purchased and a plan was set in motion.

  8. Great looking game Ray! Strength and Honour is a lot of fun. Another advantage with 2mm is all the terrain you can fit on the table.

    1. Absolutely, and you can work flanks, there are so many advantages, I can't believe I've not done something in 2mm until now?

  9. I do get the practicality of this scale and will be interested to see what huge historical battle you are recreating, Ray, but as my primary motivator is the aesthetics of the miniatures, this is too small to tempt me. If a gaming mate (like Richard!) provided all the figures etc, I would be happy to give a game in this scale a go, but I won't be buying anything this small!

    1. You're totally right Keith about the aesthetics of the figures, there's not a great deal you can do with a 2mm figure, its more about the look of the unit as a whole and about the basing.

  10. Whilst it looks really good, I can;t but help that solid blocks woul dlook just as good (plus I can;t tell which are foot and which are horse)

  11. 2mm? that's just you're talking my language :) Just kidding, of course. I've always been an enthusiast for the micro scales. I'm happy that they are finally entering the mainstream in ways that maximize their features. I've found that my fellow gamers often dismiss micro scales in conversation, but when they see a well done game in 6mm or 2mm on a table, they are generally impressed, just as they would be with any other scale game.

    1. Like I said to Joe above, its all about the bigger picture and just what you can fit on a table.

  12. 2mm is a temptation that I so far keep managing to resist! It is a great option though I think, especially seeing what Strength and Honour is doing to popularize it.

  13. Not for me but I can see the attraction, just about, with glasses. My money is on the siege of Vienna?

    1. Good guess George, that would be brilliant in 2mm and they do the figures for it as well!

  14. Any large battle would be ideal for 2/3mm. But the smallest I'm going is 6mm. What's next? Imaginary figures? May be hard to identify and track!

    1. I''ll be having label of my stands, just for the ease.

  15. Yikes those are microscopic a scale too little pour moi I think ! but do agree they would allow largest engagements to be modeled which was in many ways only really possible with board games or mega tables

  16. Great write up mate. It really was an eye opener of a game. Looking forward to seeing how this develops.

    1. Me too Lee, the rules were brill as are the figures!

  17. I think we did 2mm at high school with our teachers collection. It was a cool way of playing big battles as you say and far cheaper!

    1. Indeed, Looking forward to playing more of these games and sorting out my figures for a game.

  18. That does look interesting. I don’t think I could see to paint them !

  19. I really like 2mm scale and those bases look amazing. Richard has mastered the perfect painting method for them, the base of cavalry really looks great.

    1. You arr very kind to say so. Thanks for the encouraging words.

  20. Great photos and thanks for helping test the rules.

    1. No problem Rich at all. Looking forward tovthe next game.

  21. Nice figures! Good to see you in person at Partizan on the Northamptonshire Battlefields Trust stand on Sunday.

    Kind regards, Chris.
