
Wednesday 30 November 2022

25mm Debris of War Church Ruins

I thought I'd give you all a rest from my ever expanding Haitian metropolis and show these Debris of War ruins off.

I've called them ruins but they're actually sold as rubble walls

and are sold on their website for £16

I'm not sure if they should be called sunken walls though???

I bought these at last years, Broadside Wargames show and am pretty glad I've finally got them painted up. I'm quite pleased with them and they were a breeze to paint up. After undercoating them a dark grey, I just gave them 3 coats of decreasing lighter shades of grey, with just a flick of white at the very end. Then added some green flock and also a rubble mix, that I previously made up.

I added some Old Glory Austrian Cuirassiers in the photo just for scale purposes.

Although this is only my third post this month I have been very busy at the painting table, cleaning and undercoating figures, getting ready for the next Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge!

So look out for a new period from me coming soon?!?!


  1. Very nice Ray! I'll have to pick some of those up myself.

  2. Nice job on the ruins. New project? Excellent!

  3. Very, very cool, Rayolla! Painting is so fun. I don't paint minis just furniture but gosh, it's so relaxing. Cheers and boogie boogie.

  4. Very nice work on these ruins Ray.....another AHPC about to kick off, eh....that will see a big spike in your output, no doubt!

  5. Oh the painting challenge. Time to switch of for the coming months. It’s as boring as boring can be!

  6. Very cool! They look both ancient and bombed, so can be used either way.

  7. I like them, they look good and have a load of uses, but more interested in the OG Austrian in the background, they look very nice indeed!

    1. Here's a link to the whole unit Donnie.

    2. Many thanks Ray, the whole unit is lovely, great work on them.

  8. Lovely textured bits of terrain!
    Best Iain

  9. Nice looking terrain Ray, and good for most periods.

  10. Very effective and nice work with the grey. You have struck just the right shade.

  11. I'm in argeement with you in that I too beleive they look like sunken walls, but they're nevrtheless good bits of scenery (excdept I don;t like the grey (- but that;s just me, not your painting.).

  12. Useful bits Ray, covers so many periods.

  13. But the challenge is so dismally boring - Simon
