
Wednesday 2 November 2022

Haitian Revolution - Odds n Sods


I've been painting like a madman recently, unfortunately though, it was my bathroom walls and ceiling and not my little metal men!
I was under orders from SWMBO and to be honest I've been putting it off for a while now, so the whip was cracked and out came the tile adhesive cutters and bigboy paintbrushes.

Anyway on with the figures,
I bought these 5 figures painted Foundry figures from Instant Armies (I think) at Partizan back in May,
They did need a little touching up and my special blend of ink to match them into the rest of my Haitian Rebels. 

I'm not actually sure how many I have now, It's probably enough, I should stop really?

This chap I did paint, he's a Front Rank British General, I think he's a personality figure? But he will be used as any old commander, when I do eventually get a game.

There's just something about Front Rank that I like.

Well that's me for today, short and sweet!


  1. Good additions to the project, Ray! There is something about Front Rank Napoleonics that I like too. Looks like you have General Craufurd there. While we hate swapping to the large brushes for full scale painting projects, sometimes it must be done. Aren’t you glad it is finished?

    1. Yep, but the Mrs is now eying up the kitchen now!

  2. Nicely done Ray, My days of painting walls etc. I hope are behind me now, hated it, my missus did not marry a painter, joiner, electrician, plasterer etc. and it shows.

    1. Haha. It's all these daft decorating programmes on the TV I blame.

  3. You can never have enough.
    Hope the bathroom looks good and passed your wife's inspection.

  4. You have to keep SWMBO happy. Nice figures

  5. Nice additions to your collection, I like the officer, cracking figure and nice work on him.

  6. Rebels with some nasty firepower too - nice additions Ray!

    I like the general. Suitably pompous looking I think.

  7. Great additions to the collection

  8. More lovely figures for the Haitian project. Well done on the bathroom as well. I try to do that sort of project when the wife is out to avoid the helpful advice which is usually proffered along the way.

  9. The pre painted figures are nice Ray and totally agree about Front Rank, still one of my favourite figure ranges!

  10. Sweet and short is the way to go Ray, great figures!

  11. Ceiling painting! worse than painting horses or kneeling troops ... just! Nice job on the commander, I like the two lines on the lapel, subtle and just sets it off.

  12. Lovely new toys Ray…
    Especially the British officer… Front Rank figures certainly get my vote.

    All the best. Aly

  13. Nice additions to the collection there. As to decorating, we have a chap who does ours. I'd recommend it.

  14. Very nice brushwork...pity most of it was in the Bathroom. I feel for you mate, theirs DiY awaiting me in my house...not sure how long I can put off doing it before the wife's patience runs out.

    1. Lol. I was under a sentence of death, if I didn't get it done, so good luck to you!

  15. By my reckoning Ithink you can represent every rebel to a scale of 1:1 wuth the addition of another five excellent rebels.
    I don;t know why but I was amused by the british officer (I think I had 'my little pony' in the back of my mind).

  16. Nice brush work. SWMBO may complain- but we can only offer moral support by complementing your paintwork!

  17. Great looking commander and rebels, luckily I finished my house during lockdown!
    Best Iain

  18. Fine figures Ray and that officer looks particularly grand. I'm with you on Front Rank; plenty of character but not over the top.
    Regards, James
