
Friday 13 January 2023

AHPC 13 - Under Construction - 2mm Battle of Almansa, Dohna's Brigade


For my second trip in the AHPC Studios I'm visiting Under Construction....

Under Construction: Half-done, almost-done, or barely started. This is the studio for painting projects which are just not quite there yet.

And its the barely started bit I'm concentrating on. In my Hobby Desk & Painting Plans post, back in December I shared 2 units of 2mm Dutch infantry I'd test painted for my new Battle of Almansa 1707 project, so in this post, I've painted the rest of the brigade.

Dutch infantry regiments, Torsay, Kepplefox and the two new ones, Viscouse and Belcastel

regt Viscouse was actually a Dutch/Huguenot unit as was Belcastel

I've handwritten the names on the back of the bases, but I think I may change that and print it out instead, my handwriting is terrible! All the flags are from my collection I have for my 15mm NYW project. Some are variations on them too, as nobody knows the actual flags for any of these 4 regst.

Also included in the Brigade leader Dohna.

And just for size purposes a 25mm Native Indian 

So there we have it my first completed brigade.

5 points per infantry base = 10pts
1/2 point per brigade leader
20pts for Bonus round 
So a pretty small total of 30.5 points!


  1. Nifty little regiments, Ray! How much time to paint one?

    1. Not long! To paint the figures 10 minutes. Most of that time is drying time too! The basing takes longer.

  2. Nicely done Ray. Some good solid lines of infantry represented there.

    1. I'm very pleased with then if I'm being honest!

  3. Good progress made on your project, nice to get the first brigade done and nicely done they are too!!

  4. "Half-done, almost-done, or barely started" lolololol. I gotta use this for a blogpost title someday. Great sentence, Rayola!

  5. Very nice. You've done a good job on those. I look forward to seeing more.

  6. Lovely work, and they look very impressive arrayed like that.

  7. Nice work that once again shows the undoubted attraction of these tiny, if you just chop them up and base them in companies, you should win the points race!!!!

  8. Just too small for my tastes but they will conversely allow BIG games :-)

  9. I have always wanted to do this one.

  10. Never quite got this but love your efforts.

  11. Strangely enough I seem to have got larger figures as I get older, but theses do look good 'en masse'.
