
Monday 13 March 2023

AHPC 13 - Almansa 1707 - Castillo's & Charni's Spanish Brigades


Its back to the 2mm for today's post and I've carried on where I left off from last time with more colourful Spanish units.

This is Charni's Brigade who fought in the 1st line of the centre right of the battlefield.

The brigade is made up of the purple coated Castilla regt, the Light Blue coated Murcia, the grey coated Trujillo regt and the green coated Badajoz regt

Always get that purple out when you can, It doesn't happen often enough.

The next Brigade is Charni's Brigade

They also fought in the 1st line of the centre right of the battlefield, right next to Castillo's

Regiments in this brigade are the green coated Valladolid, the light blue coated Burgos, the grey coated Osuna and the red coated Sevilla.

I think I've enjoyed painting the Spanish infantry up the most, they're a delight to paint as they are so varied in colour, when they all on the field of battle they should be a sight to behold.

Why oh why didn't I find Irregular 2mm figures in my life before now, just think of all the money I'd have saved!!

These 8 bases will give me 40 points as they're 5 points each, the 2 brigadiers are worth 1/2 point each.
So all added together they come to 41 points.


  1. Another fine unit for the table.

  2. Excellent. The purple is my favourite here.

  3. The green brigade really stands out.

  4. Fine work there Ray. I tried 2mm years ago and just couldn't get them to work for me. Now I just couldn't see well enough to paint them!

    1. I need magnifying glasses over my glasses to paint them, works well and its amazing to actually be able to see them too!

  5. Nice additions Ray but don't be too hard on yourself, 2mm will never provide the aesthetic pleasure of the larger scales, your time and money has been well spent!

    1. Oh I don't know Keith, once they're out on the table they should look pretty good.

  6. I guess with 2mm you have to make them colourful, and these are a great example of doing just that! The whole army drawn up in battle array should be something to see..

    1. I busting a gut to get them set up if I'm honest. But I'm gonna hold on until they're all done.

  7. Great to see some more of your 2mm project, the Spanish units will be such a splash of colour on the table, they look really good.

    1. They are very colourful, a lot better than their allies the French, all in boring grey.
