
Friday 3 March 2023

AHPC 13 - Almansa 1707 - Spanish Infantry Davila's Brigade


After a small break from boring you all rigid I'm back to boring you all rigid with yet more figures from my ever-growing Almansa project. Last time it was Spanish infantry and guess what?
So is this post!!!

Davila's brigade fought in the 2nd line of centre of the French and Spanish lines.

The regiments in Davila's Brigade were Cordova in green coats, Bajeles in blue coats, Zamora in white and de la Armada also in green coats.

The Spanish were certainly a colourful army. The flags are purely speculative, they are all real flags for the Spanish Army for the NYW period around 10 years before Almansa, As far as I can tell all Spanish flags should be the same pretty boring white Kings colour, 
I've chosen to forget that certain detail, or was it that they haven't received their new flags yet? Its one of those 2 excuses anyway......

For the points, it's 5 pts per infantry regt and 1/2 point for the Brigadier.
So a total of 20.5 points


  1. Multi colored brigades sure will get attention when deployed. Nice work.

  2. Another batch of 2mm Magic, Ray, well done. As it happens, I am bored rigid, but that's caused by five days if work that have finally come to an end, not your exceedingly small figures! 😌

  3. Nice work, Ray! I agree with Joe,above, that the multicolored units will add interest to the table.

    1. Better than the boring all grey of the French, for sure.

  4. Your flags - paint them however you want!

  5. Looking cool Ray and your figures so colors and flags are however you see fit.


  6. Nice work once more Ray, the Spanish will certainly add that splash of colour to table. I think you have gone the right way about the flags, they work really well in my opinion. Project taking shape really well.

  7. More lovely Spanish. This will be quite a force on the table. The flags look Spanish enough to me.

  8. Great work once again Ray...I definitely commented last night but it doesn't seem to have made it through....that happens to me occasionally, not sure if the culprit is Blooger or my ancient iPad!

  9. Good stuff. Keep turning them out!

  10. Another one off the production line, looking good

  11. They look great Ray. I'm looking forward to seeing a game with them; or at least a full army parade or two!
    Regards, James
