
Friday 24 March 2023

AHPC 13 - The Directors Chair - 15mm French Indian Wars

Red Security Pass:

If you have completed at least four Green locations and four Blue locations, well done! You’ll now be welcomed into the Studio of the Great Show-Lord himself to collect your Red Security pass. The Show-Lord will give you one task to complete. If you succeed, you’ll have earned the chance to sit in the Producer's Chair. Everyone… please be quiet…… shhh!! ….Lights. Camera. Action!

After a quick and short email from the Snow Lord I was given the task of ....

"Now, what do you have in your collection that you may have been avoiding, or been wanting to get to, but something always seems to get in the way of completing it? Basically, let’s come up with a task for you that is fun but also a bit of a challenge."

Hmm? I had to think about this one? I suppose the key words were "wanting to get to, but something always seems to get in the way of completing it"

Way back in the misdt of time 2012 infact was the last time I painted up some of my 15mm French Indian War collection, so I thought I might brush the dust off the mega box of unpainted goodies.

Here's the post from March 2oth 2012


And here's a pic, if you don't wanna click.

Well the first thing out of the box were a pack of Matchlock Miniatures Woodland Indians dressed in western clothes, now available from Caliver Books in the UK. The next 2 packs were some Compagnies Franches de la Marine. So it was as easy at that.

They were pretty simple to paint up but look quite effective? And they gave my eyes a rest after painting loads of 2mm too. There are 8 figures here.

There were also 3 French commanders dressed in native garb, so these got a lick of paint too.
Only 3 Commanders

Last up are the French Marines
12 of them to add to the 57 I already have??

Lastly there's the mystery figure on the left, it was in the pack with the French Commanders, so I thought it was a Native leader, but actual think it a lady? Unfortunately this is the only pic I have of her/him?

So as for the points we have 48 x 15mm figures @ 2 Points each.

16 points for the Natives
8 for the Commanders and errr lady?
24 points for the Marines
& 20 points Red Bonus Round
For a grand total of 68 points!!


  1. You are definitely a butterfly of the exotic type, Ray!

    1. I've not been called that before, but I'll take it.

  2. Lovely work Ray. What wash do you use?

    1. This should have been our old fav W&N Peat Brown watered down, like the rest of my 15mm collection, but I used a 50/50 mix of Army Painter Strong and Dark Tones, that's what I use on my 25's too.

  3. Nice work and they look lovely little figures, I haven't come across their FIW range before but they look really nice, Great job on them Ray.

  4. Very nice work on all of these, Ray.

  5. Lovely stuff Ray. Yes, it's a lady.

    I hadn't seen the full set of French commanders before. I only have the lad with musket.

    The Mission Indians look grand. Matchlock have great F&IW stuff. I was lucky enough to get some of their Highlanders second hand. Dave R at Caliver should release the whole range.

    1. They are a great range to be honest, I bought these an age ago, when Caliver were still at Leigh on Sea in Essex. If they'd not be so damaging on postage I'd buy more myslef.

  6. Nice work on all these "larger" figures Ray. It's quite ironic, the Native Americans are all modestly attired in European fashion, meanwhile, the French officers are cavorting around the forests, half naked....typical exhibitionist behaviour! And yes, I don't think there is much doubt, that last figure is of the female persuasion ...... although, it could be a French tranny officer??!

  7. That's quite a whack of figures done, so the competition does have some ?

    1. Oh god yeh, you pressurise yourself to get stuff done.
