
Sunday 2 April 2023

AHPC 13 - Almansa 1707 - French, Horse Brigade's Pelleport and Sandricourt


Originally posted on 18th March on the Challenge blog.
I'm battling on through trying to get as much 2mm figures as I possible can.
In this post we have two brigades of French Horse. First up we have Pelleport's Brigade

Which consisted of the following regts, 2 Squadrons of  Parabere, 2 squadrons of Germinon and 2 squadrons of Pelleport's.

They fought on the Left of the battle in the second rank under Lt Gen Abre.

I'm afraid the flags are generic 18th century flags, as finding any info on the flags proved extremely difficult. But If I hadn't have said anything you'd have never known, would you?

The second French Horse brigade is that of Sandricourts.

Sandricourt's brigade also fought on the left wing of the battle, but they fought in the 1st line under the 
Marquès d'Avaray.

The regiments in this brigade were, 3 squadrons of Berry, 2 squadrons of  Vignau and 2 squadrons of Villers.

The Berry regt is the only French Horse regt with the correct flags, even though they're a later 7YW flag, but's its 2mm, and I can hardly see it.......

So to the points
Pelleport's 2.5 point per base = 15
1/2 point for the brigader total to 15.5 point
Sandricourt's 2.5 points per base = 17.5 points
1/2 point for the brigader total to 18 point


  1. Plenty of cavalry there! It's the only way to go on the flag front, the way you have done it is best way in my opinion, the information to be gleaned is near impossible to find, generic works well. Great work and a nice addition to your project.

  2. I await the Great Reveal when you display all of your work from the Challenge.

  3. Lovely additions to what should up being a splendid project.

  4. More nice work Ray....we must be just about due a half way point parade??

  5. Look forward to seeing it all in use. Nice job Ray

  6. Nice to see some cavalry added to the collection. Lovely work Ray.

  7. Lovely work once again Ray:).
