
Saturday 29 April 2023

Almansa 1707 - Spanish - Rufo's Brigade 2mm


The Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge is well and truly over, Its know time for the lull in proceedings, which always seems to happen when the Challenge finishes, BUT, I still have a few brigades to finish off to complete my Almansa project........

I have believe it or not been busy and got a few brigade's nearly finished but Rufo's (sometimes written as Ruso's) completed. Their position on the battlefield, can be seen in the pic above squared in blue.

Its only a small brigade of 6 squadrons of Spanish Horse.

The 2 units that comprise the brigade are...

Milan in white and Grenada Nuevo in blue.

Once again the flags are generic NYW period flags, but I think they fit in well.

This flag is actually an Infantry flag, but I ran out of cavalry flags and cut these down to fit.
Rufo's brigade fought in the second line of the left wing under Lt General Abre.


  1. Looks like you are in the Home Stretch now.

    1. I'm very close to the finish line Jonathan.

  2. Replies
    1. Having now seen these in the flesh Ray, I have to comment that the photos in the posts do not do them justice.

    2. I'm glad you approve Rich. It's always difficult taking pics of minis. Most of the time figures never look like they do in the flesh.

  3. Splendid looking tiny men!
    Best Iain

  4. Given the battlefield schematic I can see why you are doing these in 2mm Ray. It would be several years' work otherwise. Lovely stuff.

    1. This is what's great about 2mm. You can reinact battles that you've only previously dreamed of doing, unless your a millionaire of course!

  5. Tiny with minimal paint required (but carefully applied) but still a lot of work due to sheer quantity, will be great to see them in action enmass in due course

  6. You are nearly there Ray, another nice looking batch of cavalry, looking forward to the battle!!

  7. Keep on going Ray, a couple of units every few days, and the collection will soon be complete, and we can all get to see you refight Almansa!

  8. Good to see your mass-production is still in full swing. Could the confusion over the name of the brigade have been due to the old way of writing 's' as a 'f' ?

  9. Quantity certainly has it's own quality - Great stuff Ray.
