
Friday 30 June 2023

Almansa 1707 - Spanish - Silly's Brigade


Silly by name Silly by nature!!!

And here we are, the last brigade for my Almansa project,  as the war was called the Wars of Spanish  Succession, I thought it only fitting that the last brigade are Spanish.
Even though I'm posting the last brigade in June, I actually painted and based them back in the middle of May. Which means its only taken me 6 months to paint all the units, which I think is pretty good going.

Why has he circled 2 brigades you ask?
Well they were both part of Silly's brigade, you can also see that Silly's brigade were formed on the right under Lt Gen Duque de Popoli.

Making up Silly's brigade were...
4 squadrons of Pozoblanco

4 squadrons of Guardias de Corps

and lastly
3 squadrons of Rosellon Nuevo

The flags are all from the earlier Nine Years War period, although the Burgundian Cross above was most probably used by all units.

So there we have it, now onto some buildings and terrain!!!


  1. Pretty good going, indeed, Ray! Great job in hammering out these massive armies. Now, on to battle!

  2. Great to see your progress on this project

  3. Well done Ray, cracking work and a good pace to get them all done. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the buildings and terrain.

    1. I've painted a few already and they look pretty good.

  4. Congrats on finishing painting, Ray! We look forward to seeing the full armies lined up and in action!

  5. Yes it's all been said above Ray...great work getting through two large armies in such a short time. Hopefully their debut on the field of glory is not too far away.

  6. They might be Silly, but they look great. Nice job Ray.

  7. A good conclusion to the project, which you have seemed to have kept on track without deviation - all good.

  8. Sillys Brigade sounds perfect for me :-) great to see things come to completion now on to using them in anger

  9. Clearly putting your "big magnifying glasses" to good use, Ray. I was particularly impressed with the squadrons of Pozoblanco, thanks to the close-up you provided showing the Burgundian Cross. Made my head spin at the size of the areas you somehow got your brush-tip on.

    1. They are a blessing to paint, once you've got your eye in that is.

  10. Superb (little, so little!) units!

  11. Congrats on the completion of a big project. I am in awe of your completion of the project. On to battle!

  12. Getting this lot finished in sx months is good going by any standard. But ttf is over.

  13. Congratulations Ray - it feels like you’ve painted more 2mm blocks than all us small scale adherents put together ! - great to see the project completed, have been following with interest - I think if you were to photograph them all on the tabletop, you’re gonna need a camera equipped drone flying high overhead to fit them all together in shot !

    1. You're probably right. We'll need to use a 10 foot table so we can go for the flanks.

  14. Nicely done when do we get to play with them?
