
Monday 12 June 2023

Broadside 2013 - The Rejects on Tour - Skirmish at St Francis Cove 1784 - A Smugglers Adventure.


Postie did a cracking job painting all the figures and making all the terrain for our demo game Skirmish at St Francis Cove 1784 - A Smugglers Adventure, at Broadside in Gillingham over the weekend.

We arrived nice and early and set up in no time.

Lee printed out all the info and Smuggler pictures, to make the table look 

We started the game as the doors opened. Steve bought a Pirate outfit with him (why has Steve got a Pirate outfit, you ask) Well we all asked the same question!!!

We had a pact, whoever knocked over any terrain while moving their troops would have to wear the wig for 10 minutes.

Our first winner was Lee!

The aim of the game was the Smugglers had to get their contraband off the beach, up the cliff and off the closest table edge. The Revenuemen and Marines had to capture the smugglers, not kill them and stop them getting any booty off the table.

The Revenue men and Marines march on the table, its early morning, they've been given some info that a ship might e landing at St Francis cove, by a recently captured local.

Surj is watching Lee like a hawk, hoping he knocks over another tree.

But wait..... Steve knocked over tree, (I think he did it on purpose)

Suits you Sir!

The Smugglers are all alerted that the Revenumen are on their way, when.......

Brian May, aka Reject Dave knocked over a tree, then knocked over another tree

Out of Steve's bag of tricks came a Pirate shirt, which Dave could just about get on.
He then proceeded to knock over a stack of trees, just look at those sleeves!!!

Dave was then saved as Surj, who knocked over a tree, he really didn't wanna put the wig on Ha!!!
We'd only been playing 30 minutes and the wig wearers were a sweaty mess.
So we left the wig in the box.

Back to the game, all Smugglers moved toward the approaching Government men, apart from the ones loads the carts and mules of course!!

Talking of carts and mules......

We only had one practice game, where the Government men were victorious, in this game it looked like the Smugglers were getting the upper hand. Instead of going for the beach a troop of men headed towards the ruined church of St Francis. Good news for us the Smugglers!!

Luvvly terrain pieces from Debris of War!!

The Goverment men were dropping like flies.

Two brave Smugglers take of the Marines.

There were 12 Revenue men, now there's only 3.
Postie pulled out an event card, one of the young recruits tripped over a rock and fired his 6 shot blunderbuss and accidentally shot and killed 4 of his own men.
Oh how we laughed!

A powerful volley drops more Government troops.

The mules are fully loaded and heading for the table edge.

The game ended when the 3 remaining Government men fled the feild.
So a win for the Smugglers.

There were lots of other great games on show at the show, here are some photos of them.

Lord of the Rings SBG - Hythe Tyrants

Luxembourg 1940, 20mm Rapid Fire - Deal Wargames Club

Star Wars Legion - Fire When Ready

Who were voted in as the well deserved Best in Show.

Sheppy Models
I had a bargain purchase of Vallejo paints from Shaun!!!

Spanish Ulcers; Battles in the Peninsular War - Real Time Wargamers

Battle of Cawnpore, Indian Mutiny 1857 - Hailsham Wargamers

Ragnorak Hobbies
  • Nach Paris 1870; Franco-Prussian War - SEEMS

  • Disain Studios?
  • Medway Veterans Hub
  • Sarissa Precision
  • Crawley Wargamws Club - 1st Sikh War

  • Skirmish Wargames - Red & White and Blood Red Snow
  • 54mm Russian Cival War

  • Eagles & Lions at Carentan - Retired Wargamers Reloaded

  • Friday Night Fire Fight

    Flea Market

    601st Cos Play Games
    BattleTec - BattleTec UK South East

    Battle Foundry
    Bloodforged Games

  • Parkfield Miniatures
  • Fox Miniatures Dioramas

    Debris of War
    Blotz & AppleJax
    Trench Offensive - Pandyman Enterprises

    Medway Wargames - Star Wars Legion 54mm

    Big on Stratergy - The Great Turkey Hunt - 54mm French Indain Wars

  • TWWS - What a Tanker

    Maidstone Wargames Club - Fallujah Iraq 2004

  • And finally a Team Reject pic


  1. Great looking game Ray, sounds like you all really enjoyed yourselves! Excellent pics of the other games too.

  2. What a great show! Thanks for all photos!

  3. Wow, that looks like a great game and an excellent show, Ray! And that really is A LOT of photos. Interesting reading the Hauhausen sign...I have meant to ask one of my UK mates, is Liberation Models still trading? I bought a fair bit of modern 20mm stuff off Rolf a few years ago and I have emailed him two or three times in the last six to nine months, but have received no reply....anyone know if he is still in business?

    1. It was a great show to be sure. I've not heard of Liberation Models to be honest and can't find them online?

  4. All of the setups were really impressive. Funny about the wig.

  5. You fellas put on a terrific looking game. Nice touch with the wig.

    1. It did make us laugh, those who didn't have to wear it, that is!!

  6. Quite the game, who gets the sweaty wig? Great photos of the convention and the games within.

    1. Steve keeps the wig, it'll probably need fumigating.

  7. Sounds like it was a great game and looked magnificent. The whole show looked good too, with many very interestingand varied game.
    That's a lot of rejects too - so what's the collective noun for a group of rejects ?

  8. Your game looked great and also seemed to be loads of fun, what's more to ask of a game!! Great report, some cracking looking games on show, plenty to peruse and come back to. Brilliant post Ray, thanks for doing it.

    1. We all did have a cracking day Donnie and were knackered at the end of it too!

  9. Your game looked great and seemed great fun, nice wigs, lots of other great games too!
    Best Iain

    1. There were plenty of cool looking games, for sure.

  10. Fantastic looking show with so many varied games on display. Truly a feast for the attendees. That Smuggler game looked like a right gas too and very nicely crafted/painted.

    1. It was a great game if I'm being honest, I was a bit upset that one of Posties event cards didn't come out. To win some king of bonus (cant remember what) the Smugglers as a team had to sing a Sea Shanty out loud. That would have turned a few heads.

  11. A great summary Ray. A lot of work obviously went into your game and everyne looked like they were having a great time.

  12. 1. Perhaps Steve is the original Mr Ben?
    2. Wearing a wig in that heat is a sound punishment for knocking down terrain methinks.
    3. It was a great looking game with a lot of background mirth and merriment!

    1. 1. Correct
      2 . Just glad I didn't knock any over!
      3. Why thank you SIr!

  13. A fine game for sure and a lovely looking show too. Thanks for all the photos of the others games as well:).

    1. No problem Steve, glad you enjoyed the post.

  14. Great looking games, Ray! Love Big Lee with the big hair too!

  15. Wow, that's a lot of pictures! Splendid report there. And loved the contraband game too... :-)


