
Saturday 24 June 2023

Rapture, Medway Gaming Festival - Dutch Attack on the Medway, June 1667


At Parizan in 2022 I had a very long chat with Sir Barry Hilton of League of Augsberg, Beneath the Lily Banners and Donnybrook fame, whilst admiring his wonderful display of the Attack on the Medway in 1667, using his new Mad for War rules.

After the show a thought occurred to me, to see if I could persuade Barry to come down to Kent, to join the Rejects at Rapture Gaming Festival, funnily enough held at Chatham Dockyard, where we could refight the Attack on the Medway game. After all what better place to play the game, than the docks that were actually attacked.
He didn't need any persuading!
See Barry's post here.
Unfortunately for Barry, he's got a longer journey than most of the Rejects, it'll take us a mere 17 minutes and 9.2 miles, while Barry's journey will be 430 miles or a 860 mile round trip, that's dedication for you!!!

So if you feel fighting fit come and join Barry and the Rejects at Medway Gaming Festival on the 1st and 2nd of July at The Historic Dockyard Chatham, Main Gate Road, Chatham, Kent.

The Raid on the Medway, during the Second Anglo-Dutch Wars in June 1667, was a successful attack conducted by the Dutch navy on English warships laid up in the fleet anchorages off Chatham Dockyard and Gillingham in the county of Kent. At the time, the fortress of Upnor Castle and a barrier chain called the "Gillingham Line" were supposed to protect the English ships.

The Dutch, under nominal command of Wilem Joseph van Ghent and Lieutenant-Admiral Michiel de Ruyter over several days bombarded and captured the town of Sheerness, sailed up the Thames estuary to Gravesend, then sailed into the River Medway to Chatham and Gillingham, where they engaged fortifications with cannon fire, burned or captured three capital ships and ten more ships of the line and captured and towed away the flagship of the English fleet, HMS Royal Charles.

Politically, the raid was disastrous for the war plans of Charles II of England. It led to a quick end to the war, and a favourable peace for the Dutch. It was one of the worst defeats in the Royal Navy's history, and one of the worst suffered by the British military. Horace George Franks called it the "most serious defeat it has ever had in its home waters

Hopefully we'll see you there!!!


  1. An 860 mile round trip ….. I will never complain about a show journey again :-)

  2. Barry's ships do look stunning but naval warfare isn't really my thing Ray. After reading the brief account of the action, I can understand why it's not something I ever heard about through the British education system...the Armada and Trafalger...yes....the worst defeat in the Royal Navy's history.....not so much!

    1. Absolutely right Keith, think they tried to forget about this defeat. I've never been one for naval warfare myself, until Barry infected me with his Mad For War rules, that is!

  3. I had been following Barry's progress on this elsewhere, so it would be real treat to be involved. I'll look forward to reading the post-game report.

    1. I'm really looking forward to the weekend Lawrence, it should be a hell of a lot of fun.

  4. Incredible looking game, look forward to the pics and report!

  5. 860 mile round trip! Dedication for you. The game will look superb

    1. I'm sure it will Neil, Barry's bringing his extra boards, which aren't in the pics above, this will add Gillingham and Sheppey to the tabletop.

  6. Wonderful game Ray and one I would certainly like to see in the flesh. Only down the road for me - wife was there shopping yesterday - so might well pop along.

    1. Oh cool, come and say hello Lee, it'd be great to meet up in the flesh again.

  7. Now that's a trooper! Hope it is fun for all.

  8. A great looking show Ray…
    Please take lots of pictures.

    All the best. Aly

  9. Interesting a not often gamed topic.

    1. I don't think I've ever seen it played before, until Barry did it a while ago.

  10. Sorry I can't be there, the Medway game looks great and Barry is clearly a main man for the period, well done him for doing the journey! Have you noticed that 'Mark Man of Tin' is doing a project on the Anglo-Dutch Wars on his blog, using Pike & Shotte Epic combined with old Peter Laing figures? I think he's looking at the 'invasion' at Landguard Fort - interesting...
    Have a good day at the show, anyway!

    1. Thanks David, it should be a grest weekend.
      I hadn't seen the Mark Man of Tin update. But I'll go check it out.

  11. It was a blast, wasn't it though? :)
