
Monday 16 October 2023

The Other Partizan 2023 Pt2

Part 2 of my Ode to The Other Partizan.....

There's lots more eye candy for you to dribble over!

The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers - Setting the East Ablaze 
28mm Back of Beyond

?? - Megiddo 1918

Martin from Warbases doing his thang!

The Bodkins - The Siege of Hennebont 1342

The Legion of Blokes - The Race for Caen

Newark Irregulars - The Battle of Gainsbourough
28mm ECW

The League of Gentleman's Anti - Alchemists
The Biscotii Wars
Garibaldi v Bourbon 1860

Bramley Barn Wargames Society - 28mm Elizabethan

Perry Miniatures - 28mm Franco-Prussian War

Iron Tide?
WWII - Pacific Theatre

Cramlington Wargames Group - Action at iNizane 1879
Anglo - Zulu War

Xenos Rampant

1/72nd Wargames/John Kersey - The Siege of Tientsin 1900

Derby Wargames Club - The German retreat to Minsk 1944

The Iron Brigade - Winter is Here
28mm Dragon Rampant

Gothenburg Gamers - The Battle of Olentiza 1853
Early Crimean War

Me & Dave O'Brien

The Gentlemen Pensioners - Death in the Donga 
The Price Imperial in Zululand 1879

Rubicon Models  - Oscar Mike

Old Pikey's - Operation Resolution 1987

I must have spent around 30 minutes chatting to luvvly chaps. Had a great conversation putting games and wargamers to rights. Sorry guys I can't remember your names, but I upset the two chaps at the back when I said I supported Leeds United, them being Arsenal and Chelsaea fans, but the chap at the front was delighted, being a Leeds fan himself!!

Leeds Leeds Leeds!

Boondock Sayntes - Lalsot 1785
The rise of Benoit de Boigne

Chesterfield Open Gaming Society - Invasion of Skaro
28mm Xenos Rampant

Peterborough Wargames Club - Blaze of Glory
28mm Western Gunfight

The Scourers - Silver Bayonet
28mm Napoleonic Gothic Horror

And there ends my pictorial post  from The Other Partizan 2023, apologies if i missed your game out, it wasn't intentional and I'll try harder next time!


  1. Great pics Ray - Not a clunker among them!

  2. Thanks ray, a fantastic set. I was there for 3 hours and had forgotten half of the games! So thanks for a great photo record.

  3. Fantastic pictures Ray, great game layouts there.

  4. Some great setups. Those castles would be fun to build, especially the one covered in snow.

  5. Very enjoyable. Thanks for another great summary Ray.

  6. Thank you very much for your hard work in bringing those who couldn't attend a glimpse of what appears to be a great show.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the report, it certainly was and always is a great show.

  7. Splendid pictures Ray…
    Thank you…

    All the best. Aly

  8. You have documted and therefore saved from oblivion a wonderful collection of awesome games.

    1. Haha, I wish I owned all the figures as well!!!

  9. Part 2 is as good as part 1!! Super post Ray, plenty to pore over and take inspiration from.

  10. Superb photos Ray, some absolutely stonking games on the tables I must say!

    I liked the mirror use by the fantasy games it did give another dimension to the game.

    All the best and hopefully see you at Partizan next year.


    1. Yeh, that mirror confused me for a few seconds when I first saw it. I thought I was going crazy as the game was moving???

  11. Much better than Colours now. The Newbury show is not what is was. It seems ill organised with few demo games or anything else of interest for that matter. Colours also seems to be really short staffed by the club that runs it.

    1. We've not been to colours for a few years. There are so many good shows all around the same time, and my "Good Boy pass" doesn't stretch to far!

  12. Splendid post , you definitely needed two, but dirty Leeds? Surely not!
    Best Iain

  13. Thanks for sharing these fantastic photos Ray.


  14. Thanks Ray, yet more great pictures from a great show!

  15. Great pics making me very jealous as usual :-)

    1. If your coming to England for a show, make it one of the Partizan's, you won't be disappointed.

  16. All the time take to take pictures and then curate - I hope you got to play games too!?

    Thanks for sharing Ray, really enjoyed these posts.

    1. I did get a chance to play part if one game. The League of Augsberg's Rolling Thunder, a naval battle from 1666. That was great fun.

  17. Wow...all those games look stunning Ray...I am only on my phone at the moment so will have to revisit on a proper screen a bit later!

  18. Thank you for posting all of these lovely pictures from the show. The amount of creativity in so many different games is an inspiration for me.

    1. That's exactly how it felt walking around the show.
