
Wednesday 8 November 2023

Warfare 2023 - Anyone Going?


Posties Rejects are off to Warfare in Reading, Farnborough this Saturday the 11th November.
We haven't been to Warfare since it left its ancestral home at the Rivermead Leisure Centre back in 2019. I honestly can't believe it was 5 years ago?!?!

It was a show that we religiously went to every year, then around 10 years ago just stopped going? I can't really remember why, it was most probably financial??

But hey, we're back, so if you see any idiots in red T-Shirts please come and say Hi!

Bad boy Postie, not in his red top!

Now we are taking our lives in our own hands this time round as BigLee's in the driving seat. Now Lee sometimes thinks he's Evil Knievel, taking speed bumps at 50mph!
Will my back and neck take it? 
Will Steve and Postie be sick in the back of the car? 
Will we actually survive the trip at all?

All these questions will be answered next time, or if we see you at the show.

In 2019 we bumped into Sgt Steiner all the way from Northern Ireland!

Who will me meet this Saturday?


  1. Will keep any eye for you then Ray, and say hello. I really liked the venue last year, so am hoping for another good show.

  2. It's so far from public transport now I am unlikely to attend. The Ascot location was perfect from that point of view.

  3. You'll be hard to miss in those red shirts!

  4. If you survive the trip, I await a show report-out.

  5. Sadly not attending (couple of mates are), look forward to pics

    1. I suppose its a little more difficult now, with the new venue.

  6. No I am not going. I just do not want to do the drive to Farnborough. I have many fond memories of the Rivermead shows over the years.

  7. Might see you on Saturday afternoon

  8. I am not going. I do not really want anything and the drive to Farnborough is horrendous for me. Simon

    1. The drive hoe in the dark and rain wasn't great, but it was worth the drive for such a great show.

  9. I'll look forward to some more great photos of the games on display Ray. I always enjoy your post-show summaries.

  10. Nope like many sadly it’s not the event it once was. The drive is horrible and like Salute the venue is soulless. It was better at the Rivermead, even with its awful parking. Paul

    1. The world moves on and the only constant is change. I thought the venue was ideal, with plenty of room to expand in future years.

  11. I used to like the small Valhalla show in Farnborough back in the day before it’s demise. Not sure I want to do the drive for Warfare either. Surely a better venue could be found.

  12. Seems like people don't like Farnborough - no idea why, I don't even really know where is - don't they have an airshow?? More controversial is having a wargames show on Armistice Day - I hope at the very least, there will be 2 mins silence at 11 o'clock?! I mean, there is all this hoo ha about the Met not banning certain events that are planned for the day - and you people are celebrating war! (Hopefully readers realise this is all in jest - have a good day, Ray!)

    1. Yep, there is a Air Show at Farnborough, you're correct. The show handled the 2 minute silence impeccably.

  13. I am not driving to Farnborough either. I think like Colours the show has really degraded. Colours was bad this year and not just because of the heatwave.

    1. The quality and attractiveness of shows will always vary from year to year. But i'd rather have a show than no show.

  14. Sadly not. I think a lot of southern shows are suffering lower footfall. I went to Attack Devizes, for the last two years it’s been very quiet on the Saturday which is the busiest of the two days. Colours seems to be in a bit of a free fall downwards. It was not good this year and I here the footfall was only about 1100 people. That’s down from pre pandemic numbers of 1600 plus. I think it’s a number of factors, although an aging gaming community may be the main reason. I look at show attendees and like me it’s a greying ageing community now. I have not been to Warfare since it moved from Rivermead in Reading. I do not really want to do the drive from West Berkshire to Farnborough either. For the little I want I might as well spend the petrol money and entrance fee on postage and order my bits and pieces. It’s a very apathetic outlook I know. I have been slowing culling my gaming collection as my inter3st in what was once a great hobby has waned. The hobby has certainly changed and in my honest opinion not for the better. I am getting more and more retro in my gaming tastes. Simon

    1. We all have to pick and choose those shows that suit us. No point travelling if its difficult. But the Rejects will be visiting Warfare again, despite the long drive.

  15. Not going I'm afraid, but I look forward to your report - have a great day!

  16. Am not going I have a pile of stuff sitting waiting for completion. I just do not want to add to the stack. Also my interest in gaming is waning of late. The Farnborough venue is also hard for me to get to even if I drive. Basically I cannot be bothered to attend the show. Mike

  17. I'm not going because any time I drive south of Northallerton I come over all funny and get a nosebleed. Also, modern shows are terrible - I much preferred it when things were candlelit, punters were spluttering with consumption, and Queen Victoria was on the throne. Another issue I have is, that all these people putting on shows don't ask me for my opinion on what should be seen and featured; How dare they! Does my opinion not matter? If you prick us, do we not bleed?
    Mr Alfred Barnabas Cecil David Edgar Francine Grahame Harlan Isaiah John Kim Lyndsay Matthew Norman Oswald Peter Quentin Rupert Simon Thomas Ulysses Victor William Xavier Yonatan Zachariah Puddleduck

    1. Why is it people give an honest comment, then you get people north of Northallerton who have to be mickey taking. The southern shows are falling to bits. I went to Legionary in Exeter this year. It seemed to be a third of the size with not much trade. The fact is traders are giving up doing some or all shows. The northern shows seem to be doing much better. I have helped organise quite large shows in the past. It’s a pretty thankless task being honest. You cannot just pick traders etc and expect them to turn up for the perfect show. Mr Alfred Puddleduck you are obviously a bit of a pr*t.

    2. To Anonymous.
      Regarding "Arse"? A Father Ted quote? My favourite quote is this one:

      Bishop Brennan: Don't call me Len, you little prick. I'm a bishop!
      Father Dougal: Oh right. Well done.

      To Anonymous.
      I am extremely sorry I misunderstood your earlier comment. Thank you for the explanation that your earlier comment was an honest one, I was in error when I left a comment before. I do, in all honesty, humbly apologise and genuinely beg your pardon.
      Mr Alfred "R.W." Puddleduck

    3. BigLee, I'm not sure if your reply comment is concerning my 'anonymous' apology or not but, in all honesty, I do want to apologise to Anonymous, should I have been in error when I made my initial comment.

      I will admit when I am wrong and will listen to all sides of an argument and try to understand the person's viewpoint, even if I do not agree with it.

      When I made my initial comment, I felt that the anonymous commentor simply had an axe to grind against the show and the organisers and, probably, typed before I really thought things through. If the wording of my apology reads like it was written with sarcasm as my intention, I can honestly state that was not the case - That is how I would, actually, speak an apology in person.

      - While I'm talking to you, Lee. I have to say I've watched your YouTube video of the show (plus, all the others you've done regarding shows) and thought it was excellent. Thank you for filming/photographing and sharing.


    4. Hi Roy, that wasn't directed at your comment. As you say, the other 'Anonymous' seemed to have an axe to grind and/or was just being deliberately provocative. Sadly I've had this happen on my own blog a few times and ended up turning off Anonymous comment posting. Trolls don't like the light and suddenly become meek and polite when they have to use their own name.

    5. ...and thank you for the nice comments about my channel by the way. Much appreciated.

    6. Thanks Roy, your comments and interaction are very welcome on my blog.

  18. Damn, I seem to have just pricked myself.

  19. I am not going either and I only live half an hours drive away. Do not need anything and like others it seems have a mountain of stuff stored to contend with. The above comments about southern shows are totally correct in my opinion.

  20. A northerner who needs levelling up. Or is that just levelling…

  21. Nah, I have not been to Warfare since the Rivermead move. The drive to and through Farnborough puts me off. Same for the one year at Ascot Racecourse. The traffic might be better on the Sunday though. Not sure I want to find out, especially with the weather this time of year.

  22. Just got up early to attend. Looked out the window saw that frost. Thought why am I doing this? Went back to bed, not going. Cannot be bothered, like others I do not really want anything.

  23. I think holding a wargames show on Remembrance weekend is just a tad disrespectful. Hence I am not going. Before the sh*tty replies start I am not ‘woke’ at all. Just a bit old fashioned and respectful of the people who died or just served to protect our freedoms.

    1. Totally disagree, its what wargaming's all about.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Seems like this post was taken over by one or more silly boys, so sorry all Anon are now blocked. Until some can behave themselves again.
