
Friday 17 November 2023

Warfare 2023 Loot


I had quite a successful spending spree at Warfare, once again I hadn't planned on spending much but......

Products for Wargaming had some very nice field bases. I was planning on making my own, but it was easier buying them. I went for 1 x 15x8 field, 2 x 12x6 and 2 x 6x4's.

They were £8, £6 and £4, so a bargain!

2 buildings from Warbases

5 small cobblestone mats from Deepcut Studio

These can be used in any of my 25/28mm periods.

A few paints.....from Sheppey Models

You can never have enough Oxen can you?  These Black Tree figures were in the bargain bin from 

Can't remember who I bought these from, these will be used to make some 2mm woods and forests.

An impulse buy from Charlie Foxtrot, some 28mm walling for my Haitian Revolution project.

Back to Products for Wargaming. Another building, this one is from their luvvly medieval range.

If Iron Gate Scenery are at a show, I have to get something from them. Their range of bits and bobs are brilliant. This time round it was some Highland cattle, a tannery, perfect for some Native American's and a stone sheep pen.

Lastly more Highland Cattle, these 2 were from Disdain Studios, why do I need more 
Highland Cattle, you ask?

Well.....why not?


  1. Like the fuzzy coos! That was a bargain on that terrain.

  2. That's quite a haul you've picked up Ray

  3. Nice haul Ray, I really like the look of the fields and they seem a really good price too.

  4. Cracking loot Ray, lots of different stuff to keep you busy until the next show. :-)

  5. Great stash Ray . Getting useable terrain stuff is always good.

  6. Some companies there I had not heard of, so worth a look.

  7. Nice collection of very useful purchases. I agree you always need more Plunder, umm, cattle in the Highlands.

  8. Good end of year show buy, really like the big fields … plenty of presence.

  9. A fine looking haul of toys Ray…
    I reckon I would also have found a need for some Highland Cattle..😁

    All the best. Aly

  10. Great haul, nice fields, mine are too square, and you can never have enough oxen, absolutely!
    Best Iain

  11. Great selection of terrain and figures, Ray. I really like the Highland cattle.

  12. An excellent haul Ray - and why wouldn't a man want more hieland coo's?

  13. I like the look of the cobblestone mats. And I bought a 4'x4' cobblestone mat recently to use as a town. This would have been suitable and probably more versatile.
