
Wednesday 20 December 2023

An Adventure with Pirates!!! - Donnybrook


A few weeks ago Reject Steve sent a message on our What's ap "Is anyone interested in these?" 

Steve's an electrician and was doing some work in a customers house. While chatting they both realised they have been afflicted by the drug of wargaming!!!

While chatting Dan asked if Steve might be interested in some of his Dad's old Pirate figures.

I snapped them up before anyone else could get their dirty mits on them!

Dan was invited down to Rejects HQ for a game, where it turns out the older Rejects knew Dan's Dad, Malcolm Hills who passed away over a decade ago. Malcolm played quite a few games at Reject HQ, sometimes bringing along in young son, Dan.
So I'm the proud owner of some of Malcom's Pirate figures. 
What a small world we live in??

For another small fee I could also buy his two ships a scenery too???

All I need to do is base them all up in usual Donnybrook style.
Its always a trouble with Pirates, do you base them on a ship base or land?
What would you do?


  1. Landlubbers get thrown overboard!

    It’s a small world, indeed.

  2. Treasure Island …. On land with a stockade. Superb project.

  3. Looks like a fun project Ray. Short of doing two versions of every figures I'd be basing them on land. According to my wife I'm always dragging stuff from the garden inside the house, and the pirates would no doubt be doing the same.

  4. Clear bases is always an option, though requires extra work to remove any tabs or integrated bases from the miniature. I've seen some good examples of clear bases, made out of blister pack packaging - cut out and figure glued on - over on Vagabond's wargaming blog, or John's posts on LAF.

    1. Hmm? It would involve a lot of work using clear bases?

  5. I always think of pirates on ships though land sounds like it could be fun too.
    Happy Christmas to you and the girls!!!!!!

    1. Thanks Whisk, Have a great Xmas and New Year!

  6. Very shipshape and seaworthy additions Ray. And no scurvy in that crew by the looks of it.

  7. Buy two lots of the same figure and base them for land and ship.. you know that’s the sensible way

  8. You could go for clear bases. It depends on scenarios, if mainly land based then go for bases that match

    1. I like the idea of clear bases, but cutting all the figures bases off makes me wanna walk the plank!

  9. Nice to see them getting used, I would base them on land personally as I would probably do more land scenarios than ship ones. Nice story about their provenance as well.

    1. I think land is the way I'm gonna go, then they'll match in with the rest of my Donnybrook collection.

  10. What a nice haul and good to know that the original owner was known to the group too. Basing wise mine were always for land, not ship.

  11. Excellent purchase. Not sure that I have dirty mitts though!
    Base for land, but go light on flock/foliage would be my suggestion. Do you really want to have two of everything? Of course you do!

    1. Great minds, Rich, I thought just go flock and no tufts, now go and wash those hands!

  12. Dirty mitts...I like your style. Very arrrgh. Looks good and a new project is always fun. Clear bases might be worth a look. I know litko on this side of the pond makes them.

    1. I think I'm edging towards landlubber bases, now Joe.

  13. Perhaps bittersweet, but a splendid legacy for these figs to continue on among friends. Interesting question on basing: I've a few pirates, and it did cross my mind at the time. I just went with standard flock/basing; works for me, particularly since the lads are generally involved with some sort of land action in most games (even if the ships are there, too).

    1. That's what I'm thinking Ed, then they'd match the rest of my figures as well.

  14. Thats a pretty good score there Ray - its probably been suggested already, but a few people seem to use transparent plastic bases, so they always match whatever they are standing on - kinda ... (to me, you can always "see" the clear plastic base, but its in the eye of the beholder!)

    1. I think if I didn't have an already large collection of figures for Donnybrook I might go for the clear bases, but matching them in suits better........i think?

    2. Yeah, that does make more sense Ray!

  15. What a find and story, the world can indeed be a small place.

  16. Great looking figures and ships, Ray! Good to know they'll be put to good use.
