
Friday 29 December 2023

An Adventure with Pirates - The Pirates!


Malcom sure was a great painter, he made a damn fine job on these figures.

They are a mix of Wargames Foundry and Artizan Designs.

Malcom had them all based on Games Workshop black bases, all my Donnybrook figures are based on MDF bases, so I took them all off and based them on 25mm MDF bases from Warbases.

I based a few figures up hexagon bases, these will be used as command or character figures.

I asked a question about basing Pirates 2 posts ago?
To base them up on land or ship.

Lots of people suggested clear bases, so they could be used for both land and sea, but In the end I chose land bases, but kept them pretty simple.

No tufts, only flock, and not a lot of it either, so now they match my other Donnybrook figures.


  1. Cracking collection Ray and as you say great painting, some lovely figures on show.

  2. That collection has really come together. Good idea to base the notables on shaped bases.

    1. It can get a tad confusing, so different bases seem to work for characters.

  3. Arrrh...Let there be pirates. Great looking motley crew.

  4. Yes, those are beautifully painted figures, Ray!

  5. That is a fine collection Ray. Quite a bit of work in rebasing them as well.

  6. Nicely and quickly rebased Ray.

  7. That's a lot of naughty people. I hope you have the forces of Law and Order to make a riposte!
    Nicely done.
    Happy New Year

  8. They look great Ray - looking forward to seeing them in some scurvy seadog skirmishing soon!
