
Friday 12 January 2024

AHPC14 - Donnybrook - Vienna 1683 Ottoman Swordsmen 75pts


At last!
My first entry into this years Challenge!!!!

And I'm revisiting an old gem, my Donnybrook (surprise surprise) Vienna 1683 project..

The last time I posted any of these figures was in 2022, so it was good to finally get these figures painted.
They've been undercoated and in the paint queue for a long time.

The figures are from Essex Miniatures and were bought from fellow blogger Dave Crook, he was selling a massive collection of unpainted figures owned by a friend Eric, who sadly passed.
I can't find the figures on Essex' site, so I guess they may be a discontinued pose???
I wanted some poorer armed troops, most of the previous Ottomans I painted had muskets, so 
I bought a selection of swords and shields from Magister Militum and glued them all in place, I guessing again but I think these were probably spear armed skirmish type troops when originally made? But no more!
I included 3 character figures, a Dark Age looking Commander, a standard bearer and a musician, although looking at him more closely, he could be an ACW Zouave?

Onto the points
15 x  25mm figures @ 5 points = 75 points.


  1. Great start to your challenge this year Ray - they look smashin'! Looking at the countryside in the background, I did not realise the Ottomans got as far west as Berkshire LOL!

  2. They look really nice, if these are part of more you can add spear armed forces at your leisure.

    1. Indeed, I'm sure I have enough for another unit?

  3. Fine looking Ottomans, Ray! The drummer could be from a later period since the drum harness has loops for the drumsticks. Turban looks a different style than the others too. The standard bearer looks like a Sikh.

  4. No matter what the figures originally were meant to be armed with, nor where the command figures came from, you've put together a very nice cohesive-looking force there, Ray. Splendid work.

  5. Excellent brushwork and a nice looking unit. Just the thing to round out a Donnybrook scenario set in the famous Siege of Vienna (oh, the possibilities...)

    1. I'm sure these could transfer over to my first Donnybrook period too. Tangier 1685.

  6. Lovely work Ray. I didn't realise Essex withdrew figures from production. Nice work with the matching of additional weapons.

    1. Yep, Whether it was old molds or updating figures, they do it more often than you think.

  7. Those are very fine looking figures that you have painted Ray. Excellent job.

  8. Great looking figures, Ray! Nice to have them painted, I'm sure Eric smiling on them too!

  9. Nice work and a great start to 2024, Essex have some great figures in their catalogue, interesting to find out if they are indeed discontinued.

  10. A handy unit that would work in a number of settings - though it would be hard to beat Vienna 1683.

  11. A great way to break your duck. 👍
