
Monday 19 February 2024

AHPC 14 - Haitian Revolution - Haitian Revolutionaries with hand weapons

I've been working from home this week, which has allowed me to also get a little painting done as well, inbetween work of course!
You may remember from past Challenges or on my blog, I've been building up all the sides for the Haitian Revolution??

Well for this years Challenge, my plan is to get some of the final figures I need all painted up.
In June at the Broadside Wargames Show, I plan to put on a Revolution game. There's not a great deal of info on the actual battles that were fought, but I think I've found one that could make a great game.

For this un-named battle I need a few more figures, surprise surprise!

Here we have another 18 Revolutionary slaves carrying handweapons, ok some do have pistols, but its the swords and daggers that count.

Rear view!

Lastly I thought I'd split the 18 into two. On the right are Trent Miniatures Slaves with handweapons, while on the left are Foundry Pirates, some with head swaps some just painted with brown skin as I couldn't be ar$ed to cut more heads off.....I have been ill you know!

So to the points
18 x 25mm figures at 5pts each gives me a total of  90 points!


  1. Those look great. Very much looking forward to see your minis on Postie's table one of these days.

  2. Cracking additions to your collection a real rascally bunch!

  3. Good looking revoluionaries Ray.

  4. They do look rather nice Ray:)!

  5. Great stuff Ray. I'll look forward to seeing a report on the game you have in mind for the Broadside show.

  6. Very nice Ray, having just played out another game with mine great to see your extra slaves making an appearance.

    1. Looking forward to getting the troops out on the table top if I'm honest.

  7. Scary looking Ruffians! Nice addition to the collection.

  8. They all look good to me Ray - keep up the good work - will be cool to see you put on a big Haitian game at the upcoming show, too!

  9. You are going large on the Haitian revolution Ray. Almost seems Napoleonic!

  10. Great looking native rabble, Ray!

  11. These look lovely Ray. I recall the others that you did. Full review once finally completed, I hope?!
    Regards, James
