
Thursday 7 March 2024

AHPC 14 - Children's Books - Hukuna Matata 25mm


Children’s Books: Something sweet for the kiddies, or perhaps something darker, maybe a little Edward Gorey?

Back in the late 90's my daughter Abi was obsessed with The Lion King, she was 3 at the time,  everyday after I picked her up from nursery school, I'd ask her what video she'd like to watch while I'd make her lunch, everyday for what seemed like years she would pick Disney's The Lion King.
This is the film that I've watched the most, honestly I don't know how many times I've seen it, but its got to run into the 300+ mark, easily!
Still to this day, I can resight the script and of course sing all the songs!

Abi wasn't just interested in the Disney film, she had plates, mugs, soft toys, bed covers, bags and everything imaginable, including this book.

Which of course I read and re-read several hundred times! The book came as part of a collection, every month, we'd get 2 different Disney books delivered to our house. The Lion King is the only book we have left from back then. I'll be giving this to Abi soon after I post this, she's 30 this year and I know she's gonna love it!

The figures are all from North Star's African animal's range and are all 25mm.

Obviously they're not all the same size so I'd guess they're worth 10 point as a total?

Simba, Pumba & Timon

So 10 points for the figures
and 20 points for bonus round, making a total of 30 points.


  1. Hello Ray, what a wonderful trio - I have to admit that I've never yet seen Lion King as a whole. However, Ice Age is a different matter, I'm past about a hundred re-watches thanks to my younger siblings.

    1. Kids seem to get fixated on one thing, my elder daughter Emily, didn't stand a chance against her younger sisters love of The Lion King.

  2. Nice work Ray, my daughter too loved that film and I have watched it much more than I ever wanted too!

    1. I used to beg her to watch something else, but no, it was always Lion King.

  3. Great job, and I really like the way you have based them.

  4. Nice job Ray and nice family memories, I bet your daughter will get a real kick out of the miniatures too! For my son, it was probably Pixars "Cars" and my daughter, at around ten, loved "Bend it like Beckham!" Bob the Builder was another favourite - funny, as my son is now Michael the Builder!

    1. Sadley my daughter never married a Lion King.........but there's hope!!!

  5. Wonderful posting Ray, with clearly some nice memories for you and the family. As a father I had to endure both Pokemon and Thomas the Tank, whilst my own faves definitely shows my age as it John Wayne flicks - most notably Hatari - must have watched that 100s of times as a boy. LOL!! Great paintjobs and some well-deserved bonus points.
