
Tuesday 19 March 2024

AHPC14 - Haitian Revolution - 25mm Saint-Domingue Cavalry 90pts


It's back to Haiti or Saint-Domingue as the French called it.
Here we have a unit of 9 Haitian Cavalry.

.I wanted to paint up a cavalry unit for the anti French side, but of course these can be used for both sides. 
The troops would have been raised by the French using the local population and used by the French as seen fit.

I'll be using these in my up and coming game, fighting for the Haitian Revolutionary side, like the infantry I painted previously, they might be dressed in a French uniform, but that doesn't mean they can't and won't fight the French!

I've been painting away like a madman trying to get some figures painted for my next entry, the clock is ticking down to the 21st a lot quicker than I'd like, I think I might struggle with my 1000pt target!

These 9 Trent Miniatures are from the French Cavalry pack, now sold by Skytrex. Three figures for a whooping £18!!! Yes £18. I believe, one figure per pack is cast in silver or gold????
I've had these figures for quite a while and bought them from Arcane Miniatures, when they were a lot more reasonably priced.

Anyway, moan over

Onto the points

9x mounted figures@10pts each = 90pts


  1. Fine work, Ray! Perhaps the painting challenge Painting Points scheme should recalibrated to cost per figure?

  2. lovely job. I like the idea of having a good mountain instead of a lead one 🙂

  3. Well done that man. The army grows.

  4. That's a strong looking unit Ray, very nicely done Sir.

  5. Very nice indeed Ray, nice to see some cavalry for this conflict. Pity they are now so expensive as I would have liked to have a bit of a dabble in this conflict and also the Irish Rebellion figures they do, maybe one day!!

    1. The range it excellent, It's a real shame about the price.

  6. Nicely done Ray. At first I thought eighteen pound for all nine wasn't too bad until I followed the link.

  7. Great to see those lads Ray. The San Domingo period is very tempting. Some serious and lamentable price gouging going on there with Skytrex.

    1. Indeed there is. I cannot see me buying anymore of their figures from now on.

  8. Excellent work on the cavalry Ray. Shame one has to break the bank to buy them... a disincentive to buy more.

    1. It really is. Lucky I've already got most of the figures I need!

  9. Splendid work on the cavalry Ray…

    All the best. Aly

  10. That Haitian project is quite impressive and I am happy that you got over your recent health scare, PE are no joke.

    1. Thanks John, glad you're enjoying the Haitian project. And no PE's are no fun at all.

  11. Keep 'em coming Ray, they are marvellous!
    Regards, James

  12. Nice work as always Ray, but I have always thought this range is quite pricey, and at £18 for three, they are a ridiculous cost, particularly given, I don't really think they are outstandingly good sculpts, either - I would put them in the same category as my recent 1st Corps Fallschirmjaegers - "good, but not great"!

    1. I quite like them tbh. The only problem I've found (apart from the price) is how big they are. They are massive compared to the likes of Perry and Front Rank, so it's difficult to fill in tbe blanks which are missing.
      I tend to glue card under the base of other figures, to make them seem taller.

  13. Terrific work on the Haitian Cavalry, Ray. They look super colourful, imho, and a nice-looking unit for sure. £6 per cavalry piece seems reasonable compared to GW prices though, LOL!!!
