
Sunday 24 March 2024

AHPC14 - Maritime - 1/1200 Ark Royal Advice Yachts


Last year, the Rejects joined Barry Hilton of the League of Augsburg fame, at the Rapture Show at Chatham Dockyard to refight the Dutch "Attack up the Medway" in 1666, using Barry's very own Mad for War rules, we all bought some ships, which I had been painting up prior to the Challenge. It was pretty apt to see the Maritime bonus round, so I quickly painted up two ships!

Maritime: Something wet and offshore

The ships are from Barry's Ark Royal Miniatures for the Anglo-Dutch Wars and can be found here. on the League of Augsberg website.

The other Rejects, Lee, Rich and Steve have chosen to use a water effect paste as the sea, but me and Postie are going rogue with the old method of polyfilla and paint.

The figures are Advice yachts on the left we have a Dutch ship and on the right their foe, the English.
The Yachts would usually carry messages or perhaps the Admiral of the fleet!

Ark Royal Miniatures are 1/200th scale, so are rather dinky, so I thought I'd have a Warlord paintpot added for scale. as for the points, I used this green wash mixed randomly with a blue was to try and get a decent sea colour, not too blue, not too green but a bit of both.
 Reject Lee Hadley posted up his Blue squadron of English earlier in the Challenge and was awarded 15 points each, although most of his ships were bigger ships??

So its a definite 20 points for the bonus round, but I'll let Teemu decided my fate on the points per ship.


  1. Very nice Ray, I like the way you have based them, certainly works really well.

  2. Nice ships and basing, Ray!

  3. Thanks for showing the scale. Those are tiny, which is all the more impressive.

    1. They are pretty small, but they are small ships anyway. You'll notice once I post some of the bigger gunned ships.

  4. Lovely work Ray. I prefer the polyfilla approach myself, although frustratingly find it can chip later on and require a bit of touch up.

    1. Nothing that a bit of ink won't fix, Lawrence.

  5. Hey Rayola! Neat little ships. Very cool.

  6. Replies
    1. Cheers Barry, there'll be more soon......I hope?

  7. You have done a great job on these little ships, Ray!

    1. Thanks Keith, I'm pleased with how they turned out.

  8. Very nice tiny little ships Ray.

    All the best. Aly

  9. Nicely done Ray….you will need a few more ships though 🤔
