
Wednesday 17 April 2024

Salute 2024 - Blogger Meet up


I had a fab time at Salute on Saturday, made even better with meeting up with some great faces old and new. The Blogger Meet up only lasted around 30 minutes, but I got to chat with some damn fine Bloggers!

From left to right Reject Dave, Postie, Steve, Reject Chris at the back, David, Ken, Chris at the back, Carl, Mike, Andy, Tamsin, me, Mike Sayce and BigLee.

Andy and myself

Chris, David Steve from Travels with Khursu & Tamsin (Who won't thank me for the pic?)

The Rejects and Steve

and below a few faces more

Lee, Chris and me

Adrian 2 and me.


  1. Was there any talk of Fornovo with you, Lee, and Chris?

    1. Yeh, we did discuss poor Chris's dice rolling exploits and how we felt sorry for him. And of course we all said how much we love playing your games Jon and how good it was to cross the groups over and play somebody different.

    2. That is encouraging! We will arrange other game dates with group cross-over.

    3. Indeed there was. It was good to commiserate in person! 😆

  2. You're right - I won't thank you! Mind you, it was as much my fault for posing and making a face like that as it is for you taking and publishing the photo! :)

  3. What a great idea. Some nice cross-promotion going on there.

  4. Some great shots of good friends. Does Lurker ever get to go to these? I didn't see him in the pictures.

    1. Afraid not Ivy, we've not seen Fran for a few years now, he's only been back to the UK once since his move back to Ireland and that was back in 2016.

      Come back Fran all is forgiven!!!

  5. You got the whole crew together! Impressive. Is that the most Rejects in one place?

    1. There were another 7k worth of Rejects walking around the show Alex.

  6. Nice to see the gang having a good time!


  7. Immortality at last, a pic with the 3m man! One of my highlights of the show was meeting up and thanks for putting a link in. Only 2,930,000 views to go...
