
Wednesday 8 May 2024

from RayR - AHPC14 - Challenge Wrap up

My last post from the Challenge, originally posted on the AHPC blog on the 23rd March.

Well that went quick, didn't it?
Can't believe the Challenge is over for another year.
I'm already thinking about, what I can get ready for December and Challenge 15.

Thanks got to Curt & Sarah for all their hard work setting up and throughout the Challenge. Thanks to my Minion Teemu, and to all the other Minion's, I know how much time it took out of my painting schedule, when I was a minion!! Lastly a big thanks you to all you other Challengers who all help to make this Challenge what it is today. Especially those who found the time to comment on my posts, I really appreciate the encouragement.

Austrian Lothrengin Infantry & Bavarian Arco Horse

Ottoman Infntry, ElCid statue, St Dominic fountain, Highland Cattle, Star Wars AT AT's

Haitian Revolution Infantry and Cavalry

This year 25/28mm figures were dominate. I painted up...
127 x 25mm infantry figures
20 x 25mm Cavalry figures

The rest were various scales
2 x 1/1200 scale ships
1 x 54mm figure
3 x 2/6mm figures

In total 153 figures.

I always try and aim for a top 30 finish and top 10 finish would be preferred, but I'd have had to paint up another 600 points worth for 10th place, so was not achievable. I'd like to think my illness played a big part in that, but I'm not convinced that I could have painted up another 600 points worth of figures, if I had another month to paint!!!

Here's my performance so far in all the Challenges

Challenge II 4940 points 1st
Challenge III 2586 points 4th
Challenge IV 1227 points 17th
Challenge V 691 points 37th
Challenge VI 681 points 36th
Challenge VII 1093 points 24th
Challenge VIII 662 points 40th
Challenge IX 2274 points 8th
Challenge X 1687 points 11th
Challenge XI 2260 points 8th
Challenge XII 2168 points 7th
Challenge XIII 1111 points 27th
Challenge XIV 1160 points 25th


  1. Great effort Ray, and all of a high quality. Just a pity that illness slowed you down a little, but a solid result all the same. How many entered in total?

    1. Think there were 88 Challengers at the start, then there's a cull in January, for anyone who hasn't yet made an entry, which took it down to 83. why not join in AHPC15 in December?

    2. If it were just purely points based I might be tempted, but I think the range of subjects puts me off a bit. When I have the bit between the teeth on a project I like to keep going without any detours, at least until I run out of steam.

    3. If you want, which I tend to do, it is just points based but if you want to get involved with the challenge theme, you can if you wish!
      Best Iain

    4. I just do points .. and paint stuff that is for projects - there is no requirement to enter the bonus stuff at all

  2. Well done Ray, I do like the equestrian statue.

    1. Thanks George! El Cid does look a treat.

  3. Nice work on all the various figures and terrain (and weird Star Wars stuff!) you got painted Ray!

    1. Thanks Keith, I quite like the Star Wars stuff, It was nice to paint something different tbh?? Nit that I'm gonna do anything with them though.

  4. A great effort Ray, especially given that you were laid low during part of this challenge. Bravo Sir!

  5. A great effort Ray and quite a variety of stuff painted up

  6. A good showing. My experience this year has been that targets and focus, really do help achieve a higher painting output.

    1. They do help, trouble id I'm not good at making and/or sticking to them!!

  7. That's a lot of painting on all of those figures.
    I think the next time you fight the French, those At-At Walkers would come in handy.

  8. Impressive output, Ray! You slipped in some sci-fi? Those are not historical!

    1. I know and I still feel terrible about it now, Jon. Do you forgive me?

  9. You of course must by now be fighting storage wars with all that output . A fine challenge in spite of your health scare - glad you are back with us

    1. There's not a lot of room left in my shed, that's for sure. I need more small scale.

  10. A fine reward for your efforts Ray.

  11. Awesome effort Ray. I manage considerably less miniatures a year so know what its like to get time to paint.

    1. Cheers Carl, it can always be a challenge getting anything painted, that's why the Challenge is so good, you end up pushing yourself to get things done.

  12. Very cool, Ray. And thanks for the encouraging comment today on my blog. Chin up, was the perfect thing. Thank you!

  13. A splendid selection of new toys… Well challenged old chap.

    All the best. Aly

  14. You had another great year Ray! I am , also reminded I haven't done my roundup yet,I know, I know I'm bad!
    Best Iain

  15. Well you certainly painted more than me! My efforts were so poor this year I couldn't bring myself to do a roundup. I'm definitely going into the next Challenge with a better plan and a single project to finish. Nothing too grand, just a small project with a clear end goal.

  16. Great output Ray, nice to see a broad mix and each project moving forward.
