
Tuesday 4 June 2024

Broadside 2024 - The Rejects on Tour - The Battle of Croix-du-Bouquets 1792


Posties Rejects will once more be attending Broadside Games Show in Gillingham this coming Saturday. Its my turn to put on a game, so as you may have already seen, I'll be showing off some of my Rebellion in St Domingue/Haitian Revolution figures. We will be gaming "The Battle of Croix-du-Bouquets 1792."

Our game is just to the right of the main entrance at C17, so come and  say hello!!

The Battle of Croix-des-Bouquets 22nd March 1792

An army led by Beauvais and Rigaud were chased from Port-au-Prince and reformed at the town of La Croix-des-Bouquets. This army consisted of Maroon/Mulattoes/Creole’s and free coloured people. The arrival of these fighters caused an uprising of slaves of the Plain of the Cul-de-Sac. Who were only armed with knives, spears, hoes, and iron poles. Their chief was a young lady called, Yacinth, who was only 21 years old. The insurgent slaves joined the army of Beauvais and Rigaud.

The French decided to attack this rally on 22nd March, the infantrymen and dragoons of the National Guard of Port-au-Prince reinforced by detachments of the 9th Regiment of Normandy and the 48th Regiment of Artois and artillery went to meet the insurgents.

The French writer Victor Schœlcher of the nineteenth century, in his book Vie de Toussaint Louverture described this episode: "The black brought by Yacinthe, almost all Africans, were scarcely armed with knives, pikes, hoes, and iron poles; but fanaticized by their wizards, convinced that they would be resurrected in Africa if they were killed, they threw themselves on the bayonets without caring for the fires of platoons which decimated them. They clung to the horses of the dragoons they dismounted by being slashed. Yacinthe, with a bull's tail in her hand, roamed their ranks, shouting that she was chasing death. They rushed to their heads, fighting bullets and grape shots, which seemed to respect her talisman. Men were seen rushing on the guns, holding them hugged to prevent them from leaving and being killed without letting go. Others were found thrusting their arms into the mouths of the pieces to tear out the balls and call their comrades, shouting: Come, come; we hold them. The pieces were leaving, and their members were carried away".

Exceeded by numbers, the French had to retreat and routed in disorder to Port-au-Prince, according to Victor Schoelcher who relies on the writings of Thomas Madiou and François Joseph Pamphile de Lacroix, the French lost more than 100 soldiers and insurgents lost 1,200.

Here's a few more pics of a practice game.


  1. Ray I will see you on Saturday. The game sounds good.

  2. Great looking new banner! Love the terrain and figs, spectacular!

    1. Cheers Dean. I thought it was about time I had a new banner.

  3. It looks like it will be a stunning game Ray, quite superb.

  4. Practice game looks epic Ray. have a good day out with the toys!

  5. Looking forward to the pictures!

  6. Replies
    1. We'll try! Think bits gonna be pretty easy.

  7. The practice game looks great, and nice to see your buildings in action alongside your figures.

    1. I'm very pleased with how it looks all set up.

  8. Another good looking show, hope it goes well for you all

  9. Sounds like it is going to be a good game

  10. Sounds like an interesting scenario Ray - I hope you have plenty of "insurgent" figures - 100 to 1200 dead indicates you will need a bucketload (or a mechanism to recycle their casualties several times!)

    1. I've got stacks of figures Keith. Only a small proportion made it into the game.

  11. Good luck with the show Ray….bit too far to travel for me 😀

    1. Thanks Matt. Really looking forward to it.

  12. Looks good! See you Saturday.

  13. It looks like a great set up Ray! Good luck!


  14. Nice new banner 👍. Looking forward to showing this game to the public on Saturday.

    1. Me too ol chap. It should be a fun day out!

  15. Ray, great looking game and glad you put all the hard AHPC work to good use. Cheers.
