
Wednesday 17 July 2024

The Battle of Bosworth 1485 - A Test of Resolve,6mm batrep

Last weekend saw some of the Rejects meet up for BigLee's first outing of his most excellent 6mm War of the Roses collection, using Test of Resolve rules.

You can see BigLee's take on the game here and Richard's take on the game here.


The location of the Battle of Bosworth has been debated and plotted by antiquarians and historians many times in the 539 years since the battle took place. For several hundred years it was linked to Ambion Hill where Richard probably camped the night before the battle. This seems logical because it is one of the highest points in a semi-circular range of hills, with good visibility for miles around. However, few artefacts had been definitively found to tie the battle to this location, and core samples of the surrounding terrain revealed no evidence of the now-famous marsh in which Richard lost his life.

Between August 2005 and August 2009 the Battlefields Trust undertook a major new study of Bosworth battlefield, on behalf of Leicestershire County Council. Combined with new analysis of documentary sources, this analysis shifted the location of the battle away from its traditional site to a position two miles south-west, either side of Fen Lane. A wealth of artefacts were uncovered, including the single largest collection of medieval cannon balls ever found, numerous sword hilts, buckles, spurs, horse tackle and the by-now famous Boar Badge which would have been worn by one of the king's closest entourage. All of these have definitively identified the site of the engagement and indicated the orientation of the battles, the location of the guns and even the infamous marsh. This game is based on this most recent interpretation of the evidence. 


Richard had a good spy network in France and was well aware of the preparations for invasion. Even the landing point in Milford was advised, but crucially he did not know if this was Milford in Southern England or the Milford in Wales, so he based himself centrally in Nottingham and awaited Henry’s first move. 

Henry landed in Wales with just 4500 troops, mostly French mercenaries. Henry’s goal was to collect as much support as quickly as possible to bring Richard to a conclusive battle and thereby take the throne. He marched north up the Welsh coast and then cut inland towards Shrewsbury and England. He was soon joined by Rhys ap Thomas and a body of Welshmen, possibly up to 2000 men strong, but his army was still smaller than the force they expected to support the King. However, Henry had been busy building a potential alliance with William and Thomas Stanley and their considerable retinue and followers. It is possible that Henry was sure of their support before he arrived, but it is also possible that their commitment was still unclear on the eve of battle. The Stanleys marched in parallel to Henry's army, but some miles away, in the days leading up to the battle, and Henry would have had many opportunities to exchange messages. What we now know from the evidence found is that the Stanleys were probably positioned behind Henry’s flank when battle commenced which strongly suggests their allegiance was assured. 

While Henry was marching across England, Richard countered by heading South from Nottingham to Leicester accompanied by a substantial army which included many of the leading magnates of the realm. If you believe that the Stanleys were already declared for Henry then the armies were evenly matched, in the range of 12,000-15,000 with the Yorkists having a slight advantage. Then on the 21st August 1485, Richard marched his army out of Leichester taking up a position on the high ground from Ambion Hill to Stoke Golding, overlooking the old Roman road to London. 

Richard is said to have had a bad night's sleep, disturbed by bad dreams. Whether this is true, or later Tudor propaganda is still debated. What is now known is that Henry's army approached Fen Lane from the west, and both armies formed up on what was the flattest area of ground available. It wasn’t the best ground for a battle, with hills to the east and fenland and boggy ground around several small streams in its centre, but it was large enough to accommodate the 20-3000 men gathered to decide the fate of the Kingdom.

The set up from the Yorkist side
Richard on the left - Northumberland
Ray in the centre - King Richard and Brackenbury
Surg on the left - Norfolk

Facing the Lancastrians

on their right Postie - Stanley
centre and left, Steve - Henry, Oxford and de Chande

Lee was using Test of Resolve as the basis of the rules, but had to change a few bits as he's painted up around 2/3's more troops than he actually needed, so the battles massive!!!! yeh ha!!!

King Richard III & chums

Reject Richard's Northumberland command. These buggers just didn't want to move!

Airplane mode

The Lancastrians get the first move, RIII just crosses the stream and Brackenbury's command barely moves forward.

Norfolk on our right keeps in line with Brackenbury and RIII during the next turn.

Pery and Lovell's men at arms have a little trouble crossing the stream, it would have helped if I remembered that Mounted Men at Arms get a bonus 2 inches added to their movement!!

Norfolk makes it up the hill facing the Frenchman de Chande

Its gonna get bloody!!

Roast pork sandwich anyone?

All of my archers retreat back behind the MAA and billmen. Henry is stuck in the river top left of the photo. Steve kept throwing bad dice to get them moving and also forgot about the plus 2" movement!

And we're in! The Lancastrians get the charge

There's lots of twoing and froing as troops are lost quickly from both sides.

King Richard sees an easy opening, especailly with Henry still stuck in the stream.  $*&^%$£!!! I only throw a 3 so can only move 3 inches, so I won't make contact!!!

Norfolk's MAA come and lend a hand in the centre.

Its just a mess!

Sir Gilbert Talbot's Scurriers felt brave and charged the Earl of Shrewsbury's Billmen.
Big mistake!

The Lancastrians had a lot of pike, they were a pain in the butt!

In the centre Lord Scrope and Lord Greystoke kept battling away but kept drawing melee, so the fight would carry on next turn.

King Richard's MAA charged into the Lancastrian Scurriers.

The Yorkists finally make the hole, Sir Richard Brackenbury's MAA bash into the Lancastrian bowmen.

It was all going well in the centre, that was about to change on our right!!

The Lancastrian centre has almost gone, but Steve threw well on the dice and what's left of his command stays on the table.

Which isn't a lot, 3 archers units and 1 bill unit.
While Henry is STILL in the river!

After what seemed like an eternity Richard's command, Northumberland has finally chosen his side in the battle and moves forward. 

While Postie still can't move!!

In what I hoped would be the final death nail for Henry, I moved my MAA up.

A bit of luck on our right flank de Chande is killed.

Henry's handgunners get a shot in, knocking a point of of Lovells command.

Time was getting on, ok Richard III's attached, we're going in for the kill!!

On our right Surj's Norfolk command got battered but Steve's dice!!!
So much that he passed the zero mark on his resolve test and the whole command buggered off!!!

So it was really do or die now with the MAA

The dice deserted me, Lovells and Percy's MAA were both destroyed!

And in the following fight I lost again, the unit was destroyed, but did Richard escape???

Unfortunately not, he was captured and well.........the rest is history!


Well I really enjoyed the game to be honest, it was too and fro from the get go. It was a shame Richard and Postie didn't really get a game, but its always difficult reproducing a historical fight. I'm already looking forward to another game with these very interesting and playable rules.
Well done Lee and well done to the Lancastrians..........


  1. Well done to Postie and Steve. Perhaps going for glory was your downfall Ray. Better in numbers with support, if available.

    1. True, I had hoped nearly destroying their centre was enough, but Steve kept passing their morale test.....annoyingly!

  2. Lee put on a brilliant game, didn't he? Hats off to Lee for this impressive effort. Now this is a Wargaming Spectacle.

    1. It does look a great game, even better to play!!

  3. Excellent report Ray. Lee did a great job.

  4. A really fantastic looking and sounding game Ray! Having read and seen three versions now, they all confirm it was a job well done by Lee!

  5. Sorry about your unit. That's a lot troops to keep track of.

    1. It did get a little confusing in the middle, I must admit.

  6. Those 6mm little fellas certainly look impressive when massed together

  7. I have read Richard's report so it was nice to see your perspective and photos. A terrific game.

    1. Thanks Lawrence, it was a great game to play.

  8. Great to see a refight on the new ground, although it brings more questions than answers historically.

  9. Great looking game Ray, Lee’s 6mm looks fantastic!

  10. Great report on a wonderful looking game, Lee's 6mm armies are top notch, really nice.

    1. Thanks Donnie, Lee worked hard to get the game together the troops looked great and so were the rules. Hopefully we'll be playing another game soon.

  11. Good looking battle Ray and very effective in 6mm …if I wanted another project I might be tempted 🤔

  12. Wow, that´s really looking impressive with nicely painted 6mm armies!

  13. Great looking game Ray, 6mm certainly gives you that sense of scale. Excellent stuff.

    1. Cheers Stu. I'm liking small scale more and more these days.
