
Tuesday 26 October 2010

The Gang Part 2

Part 2 of the Profile of the me and my Wargame pals.


Marcus Sarscruficus, as I used to call him when we were at school is my longest serving chum, we’ve been mates for over 35 years, poor Smiffy! Not only does Smiffy play wargames, he also enjoys dressing up and playing wargames. He’s a member of a WWII re-enactment group, specialising in the elite followers of an Austrian pensioner, with a very distinctive tash.

Battlefield Tactics
Unfortunately poor Smiffy is not famous for his tactical genius, although he more than makes up for it in the dice throwing ability, in this ability there is NO other.

20mm Vietnam, best not mention how this game went……………….


Ian or Napoleon as he likes to call himself, is known for one thing in our little group, In 1991, “The Shamen”, got to No4 in the UK music chart with Ian’s theme tune, the tune went like this-

With delivery smooth like water from a fountain

that’s why I can move any mountain

I can move, move, move any mountain

I can move, move, move any mountain

Move any mountain

Move any mountain

And he does. Yes I’m afraid he is known as a cheatin’ bugger.

Battlefield Tactics
When not doing his Shamen dance, Ian is like Richard a good all round player, sometimes thinking too much. I’m afraid Ian has only a militia/raw morale rating, as soon as he starts to lose, he goes downhill fast rants and raves that the rules are crap, then goes home to the watch the cricket.

25mm Napoleonic’s and 25mm Indian Mutiny and 15mm WWII skirmish.


Otherwise known as the Newbie, is another member of the teaching fraternity. John’s not been playing for long and is very quiet. I think he’s been trying to suss us all out. He finally let his inhabitations go during our last game shouting and swearing when the dice weren’t going his way.

Battlefield Tactics
I’ve not worked the newbie out yet, but after his performance in the last couple of games he’s defiantly trying to knock Smiffy off of the jammy git dice throwing champion top spot.

WWI Battleships, not sure of exact scale, but there tiddlers


I’m sorry to say Surj is not the man he used to be, once upon a time he was the human encyclopaedia, remembering all the rules like a very annoying robot. During a Age of Reason campaign, Surj memorised the rules literally and actually tried to gain an advantage defending the bottom of a hill, “Well the rules don’t say I can’t and it gives me a double rank bonus”, he tried to explain. He was right about the rules, but sooooo wrong to even try it. Only Surj would have tried this move. The umpire boldly told him, don’t be so bloody stupid.

Battlefield tactics
His computer like brain has moved out recently, a messy teenager brain has moved in instead, Surj likes to concentrate his troops in one place and always seems to get a little muddled, with units in each other’s way all the time. Surj has no morale at all, he will fight to the bitter end or the other side gives up due to exhaustion or a near death experiance.

Now this is a sore subject, Once upon a time around 15 years ago Surj had the Swedish army for the 7YW, that his wife painted, I might add. They are long gone and nothing has replaced them. Bad Boy Surjit!!


Probie BigLee, Link, is taking John’s newbie mantle, having only played one game so far. Big Lee comes from the Dark Side of Wargames, Dungeons and Dragons and Warhammer Fantasy. Lee, step into the light, step into the light, come away from the dark side and join us in the light.

Battle Tactics
Hard to say as he’s only attended one game, but in his own words, “I have the tactical instinct of a peanut”. Well you should fit in quite well with us then!!

15mm Flames of War Germans and Americans and some Fantasy stuff, sorry I cannot write them down as it may make my eyes bleed.

Ray (me)

The King!
Well, its my blog!!

Battle Tactics
A Genius!
I'm sure I may have a few silly comments that contridict this statement.

25mm Norman’s, Saxon’s, Vikings, El Cid and the Moors. 15mm Rep Romans, Carthaginians. Renaissance, Swiss, Landsknechts, English and Scots. 15mm FIW. 15mm NYW are in production



  1. This is wonderful Ray and the perfect way to celebrate the milestone. It's nice to see all the members of The Rejects and read a bit about each one of them as we all follow along on your adventures. You all seem like a great bunch of guys!!

  2. I'm inclined to agree with the Angry Lurker on this. "Genius"... I'm still dusting myself down after rolling around the floor in hysterical laughter. As for the armies.. get them out and put on a game! Even Ian has put on more games than you in the last decade (oh the shame). Other than that what a pleasant bunch of guys we make.

  3. What an exordinary bunch of gentlemen

  4. Not been gaming for quite some time, the world and its dog has been a distraction of late, things have quieten down somewhat, my little men been banging from inside the boxes, have to let them out sooner or later.

    So, what's all this boys enjoying themselves at the shed?
