
Monday 1 November 2010

Battle of Flodden Flags

Following a link from TMP last month, I visited the blog, "Stuart's Workbench", Link. Stuart is in the middle of painting up an army for, Henry VIII's campaign in France in 1513. He's kindly decided to share some line drawings of flags and standards for Henry's army. The problem for me is, it has re-ignited my passions for my long abandoned project of the Battle of Flodden in 15mm. Stuart gave me permission to copy the flags and colour them, then place them on my blog. I've included 4 here, as well as 4 Scots flags for Flodden.

The first flag is a Tudor Livery Flag. The second is The Royal Coat of Arms.

The third flag is Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham, while the fourth is The Holy Trinity.

The first of the Scots flags for The Battle of Flodden is The Royal flag of James IV, King of Scotland. The second flag is for Alexander Home, 3rd Lord Home, Chamberlain of Scotland. The third is for Archibald Cambell, 2nd Earl of Argyle. The last flag is for Alexander Gordon, 3rd Earl of Huntley.

I shall be placing more flags for the Tudor period over the coming weeks, so please come back and check them out.


  1. Nice one Ray, glad to be of assistance.

    I like the colouring on the banner of the Holy Trinity. This banner was carried by Henry V at Agincourt so I imagine that 100 years later it would have looked a bit worn so you're interpretation is spot on I reckon.



  2. Stuart, it took me quite a while to decide what colours and how to colour the Holy Trinity flag, glad you liked the effect!!

  3. Well done! I'm debating whether to add the Battle of Flodden 15mm as a new project.

  4. Thanks Sclesien, I've still got a few more to put on the blog and a few more to make, so keep your eye out for more.

  5. I'm done debating...I'm ramping up for Flodden in 15mm.

  6. I am finishing up my 15mm Flodden Scots army and wanted to make sure that it is ok to use your flags on my units. I assume it is since there is a download, but thought that I would ask.

    Thanks - Allen Campbell
