
Thursday 28 July 2011

15mm Trojan Wars - Acheans

After reading The Iliad, I decided to name some of the units I'd painted and needed to paint, just to give them their own personality and because I'm quite sad!! I went through the book again taking notes on who's who and what. The figures are a mixture of Essex, Chariot and Museum.  I've taken loads more photos so come back again if you like what you see!!!

Warriors from Mykene, led by their King Agamemnon, Chariot Minis.

A second group of warriors from Mykene, who were the largest contingent of the
 Greek army, arriving on 100 ships. Essex minis.

The men of Sparta, led by Menelaos brother to Agamemnon. Chariot minis.

Nestor led these brave men from Pylos
Warriors from Argos led by Diomedes, son of King Tydeus of Argos. Museum minis.
The Dendra armoured Athenians led by Menestheus, son of Peteos.
Museum minis


  1. I'm sorry to hear that your said, man, and I hope whatever it is getting you down goes away soon. But on the upshot, brilliant job on these units. I have a feeling that Hector kept his cavalry charges down to a dull roar whenever these guys were around. Might explain why the war took so long.

  2. I would not want to step on these little guys in my bare feet... lol.

  3. Didn't you mean "quite mad" and not "quite sad"? Either way really fine looking units that cheer you up if your "sad" and worth the effort if your "mad".:-)


  4. You will be sad when you give each soldier a name.

  5. Are you sad or mad? Either way, I'll teleport you some good food.

  6. Sorry for the confusion guys'n'gals "Sad" It's an English saying/slang. Sad as in "You bloody fool, why the hell are you wasting your time doing this"

  7. and yes i am quite mad, ask the Lurker! what's on the menu, whisk??

  8. Are those shields made from cow hides? They look like a good mix of Ayrshire and Friesian cattle. :D

  9. Amazing detail especially on the boar's tusk helmets! The Iliad and the Odyssey were my introduction to ancient history as a lad (oh, and Asterix!)

  10. What do you fancy? Tonight we're having pork with organic long grain brown rice. Going to make the rice cheesey.

    But I think I might have a few chicken meatballs subs still available, along with chocolate chip mini scones.

    That's the timer. Ten more minutes and the rice is done.

    Num num num.

  11. very nice, and very good idea to name your units

  12. Very nice units there. The Dendra have to be my favorite

  13. This is madness!

    I see no problem in naming your units, easier on the battlefield and the chance to intimidate the opponent; "The squad of Heric the Destroyer will charge your puny unit!"

  14. They're very nice Ray and you are sad and an asshole.

  15. Love you too Fran, you shitbag!!!

  16. Yes, sad and mad!! I have enough trouble naming kids and pets!!!

  17. They look great, I think its a cool idea to name th units as it gives an army character

  18. There are lots of different translations in book form, especially nowadays as Borders sells off stock on sale, and about 1999 there was a wonderful TV miniseries about the Odyssey that really brought it to life for the 20th century viewer.

    The one where Odysseus has some adventures trying to get home from the war the slow way, back to his wife, but a lot of things like the Cyclops happened on the way.

    In the 80s there was a small boardgame for the war that had characters for the heroes that are men, and also the ones that are gods, with rules they have to follow. I think the game is called the Iliad. I'll have a look on web-grognards or boardgamegeek to see about it.

  19. Very very great work on small figures !!!! Fantastic !! As always !!!

  20. You must have supreme patience to hand craft all those little fellas, well done.

  21. Feel better! I honestly don't know how you have the patientce to do this, but WOW, are they ever incredible!

  22. For wicked Cleon and his wife, when fame Following!

  23. Awesome figures. Whenever I see Acheans I just can't help but say 'Mooooo' :)

  24. Awesome looking figures.

    I personally always loved those epic stories of war in the time of the greeks, roman, etc


  25. Nice work m8, must get down to doing these too. Sorry, can't help it; Domedes' lads look like the bass string section!
