
Friday 22 July 2011

15mm Trojan Wars Chariots

Some more of my underused Trojan Wars figures. In this post we have some of the many chariots for both sides. The first four photos are the Achaean chariots, which are Essex figures and unfortunately not painted by me, I bought them on ebay several years ago for a bargin price 12 chariots for £38, the seller was rather gutted at the small price I paid for them, I on the other hand was quite chuffed.

The next four photo's are some of the many Trojan chariots in my collection. Some are my work and some are once again from ebay. The figures are a mixed bag of Essex and Chariot miniatures. For the Trojan army as a whole of used many different makes of figures to try and differentiate them from the Greeks. I did read that it's believed the city of Troy was closely allied to and possibly a part of the Hittite Empire, so I've used lots of Hittite figures for Trojans as well as the Mycenaean Greek figures. Some of these can be seen in the pictures below.


  1. Chariots of fire!! These little guys look awesome! :)

  2. They were a bargain Ray, never seen them before but that's to be expected:P

  3. Excellent looking group! What make are the houses in the background?

  4. That's an impressive array of man and beast, great stuff.

  5. Cheers for the comments chaps!!!!
    @ Paul - I think they are from Hovels, here's a link!!

  6. Very nice painting Ray !!! Compliments

  7. Very nice collection there Ray.

  8. I guess it would make sense that the Trojans were an extension of the Hittites. They portioned themselves off in city states as well, and that area of Turkey was certainly well within their sphere of influence. Huh, I guess I never thought of it before. I just presumed them to be just another Greek city state that refused to bow to Athens.

  9. Well done - looks like a mini movie set.

  10. It's a great period to game, since the only history of it is full of gods and goddesses with monsters and all that including sea monsters, cyclops and etc. Giant flying predatory birds, that could pick you up in their claws, can fly in too.

  11. they are amazing!
    great blog BTW, + followed

  12. Great work Ray, even when you didn't paint them yourself :-D


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