
Wednesday 20 July 2011

15mm Trojan Wars - Myrmidons

Another army in my vast underused collection, are for the Trojan Wars. The Achaians and the Trojans. For today's post I'll just concentrate on one unit. Achilles' Myrmidons. I bought these several years ago and they as well as the rest of the figures have joined the, "Why don't you ever play with me!" club. The figures are from Old Glory's ancient range and very nice figures they are too. Out at the front is Achilles leading the heroic charge toward the Trojan lines. After watching the Brad Pitt, Troy film, I decided to paint them rather dark and mimic their look in the film, which was a little fantasy based but hey, this period must be the original Fantasy Period, this is where GW got all their ideas from, one book is the god and its the only book you can use, in this case that book is The Iliad. I've read and reread the book several times, if your going to game the period, its the only resource needed. It was written supposedly in the second half of the 8th century BC by Homer, it tells the story of the events in the last year of the Trojan War, which led to Achilles' (Achilleus'), killing Hektor and determine the fate of Troy, (Illios).


  1. Very cool. I like the grass at the bottom, too.

  2. Good choice on the colour scheme but my old eyes wouldn't be up for the job!

  3. I like the irregular basing of them Ray and the figs have some good animation to them.

  4. Nice work Ray, we work well together on figures.

  5. Very nice. I like the shields.

  6. When the figures start to ask "Why don't you ever play with me?" it's probably time to do so. They may be small, but there are a lot of them, and they're armed with very sharp, pointy weapons. Who knows what they might do at night while you're asleep? :)

    Anyway, nice paint job!

  7. oh man, you dont wanna mess with those guys!

  8. Cool job, what rules do you use for them?

  9. Thanks for the comments guys'n'gals!
    @Zerloon - I've played around with Classical Hack and their supplement Homeric Hack, but I'll probably go with some home made rules that my pal Postie uses for his ancients, they're based on WAB.

  10. They look like very tough guys indeed, but what? no Brad Pitt? Ray, shame on you ^^

  11. Brilliant Ray!

    That Achilles was born to end lives!

  12. When you think that figures start to ask "playing with them" you have a problem! Going nuts? :-D

    Just joking Ray. Nice painted figures!


  13. Very cool, but where is Patroclus?
    'You're a good student, but you're not a Myrmidon yet. Look at these men, they are the fiercest soldiers in all of Greece, each of them has bled for me. You will guard the ship...'

  14. Those look great its a shame they don't get out more

  15. they're all like, "aaaaaaaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!" :D

  16. I think you made a good call on the paint job. If I recall from history correctly, the ancient Greeks at that particular time tended to fight buck naked. I guess it's served the dual purpose of not having to lug armor around and really freaking your opponents out when you came running at them.

  17. Yeah good work, nice subject matter.

  18. I was waiting for a crack about playing with the Trojans. Does TAL know he said what he said?

  19. Very nice work Ray. Not really one of my periods but I have seen the film and enjoyed that.

  20. @Aaron - Butt naked ones to come later on.
    @Mekelnborg - Probably not, you gotta remember he is a little tic, (tic meaning thick, that's how he says it anyway)
    Thanks again everyone for your kind comments all except the Lurker, that is......

  21. Why underused? it looks awesome!!! keep up the great job.

  22. I'm guilty of the under-used models in the closet crime too. Crack 'em out and give 'em some action!
