
Monday 10 October 2011

Historically Inspiring No 6 "Charge of the Union Brigade" by Mark Churms

At about 2.00pm the Union Brigade crashes through the ranks on Napoleons Ist Infantry Corps. The 2nd Royal North British Dragoons (later known as The Scots Greys) on the far left of the line, plow through Marcognets division, only Duruttes division will escape intact. With Brigade General Ponsortby at their head, elements of the now disordered Cavalry charge on to the French artillery. Even though, at close quarters, the Gunners and attached Infantry are no match for the wild Scots, they desperately try to save their 12 pounder field pieces. However the British heavy Cavalry is now out of control and Napoleons retribution will be swift. From the undulating ground before Paillotte comes the thunder of hooves and the deadly lances of 4th Regiment and the 3th Chasseurs a Cheval. In the confusion many of the British soldiers are completely unaware of the onslaught as the fresh French Cavalry sweeps through their flank. Ponsonbys mount leaps through the mud as the exhausted Brigade is herded together for the final kill. Even against all odds the brave men continue to fight. The Brigade General himself will shortly be sabred by Sergeant Urban as he attempts to capture the eagle of the 4th Lancers.
The picture was painted in 1991 by Mark Churms who I think is my favourite modern day military artist, here's a link to Mark's website, there are some breathtaking paintings If this painting doesn't get you into the Napoleonic period, nothing will.



  1. Nice picture you lying fascist rat.

  2. Nice art. Thanks for the link.

  3. Great picture, I also find the scene from the movie Waterloo quite inspiring.


  4. Inspiring picture and inspiring story.

  5. Not my historical period of gaming interest, but I do enjoy the illustrative talent of the military artist. I dabble mostly in a caricatural-to-illustrative style.

  6. I do like the period i just don't want to paint all those figures that i would just 'have' to buy!

  7. Inspiring stuff and a great painting; thanks for posting Ray.

  8. Very inspiring Painting. That would look great hanging in my wargames room. If I had a wargames room!!

  9. Mark Churms definitely has some great looking works. I've got his Alexander the Great. Keith Rocco is my favorite modern military painter though.

  10. Very nice painting! On the left side of the picture, behind the canon, you can also see some Heavy Dragoons.

    Thanks for sharing Ray!

