
Wednesday 5 October 2011

Uniform guide for William III's allies during the NYW

I've been playing around with ideas for other units to paint for my Nine Years War army, I've already painted enough English and know what Dutch and Danish units I want to paint. So after seeing some of the lovely painted figures in the Beneath the Lily Banners ruleset, I've turned my attention to some of William's allies. I've made a list from, "The Dutch Army of William III" by C.A Sapherson, of the mainly German units that were either loaned to William or allied to him during the years 1690-96. 
You'll notice that some of the names are repeated, but with different uniform colours, i.e Spaen the first unit on the list, this is because of conflicting info on their uniforms, so the choice is yours, both have white coats, with either green or blue linings.
You'll also notice that there are some gaps in the list, if any of you can help me fill in the blanks I'd appreciate it.
Hope you find the list useful!!!


  1. Interesting. I am completely unfamiliar with the Nine Years War. Can you point me at a good summary? I have relatives from Anhalt-Dessau. My Mom spent WWII in the castle/schloss there with the last of the von Anhalts of that line. I just could not bring my self to do them for Napoleonics. Maybe for a different period....

  2. I'm sure that will prove very useful for folks interested in the period.Well done.


  3. @ Chris Stoesen - Wikipedia is a good starting place, try this link,
    or try the League of Augsberg site,
    @ Chris - Lets hope so!

  4. Some great research Ray. It's one of the beauties/annoyances of research, the conflicting descriptions of units. Make you pull your hair out.

  5. Thanks. That gave me a good starting point.

  6. Excellent work young man. Thanks for sharing.


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. That's great stuff, thanks for sharing!

  9. this feels like homework. :|

  10. Good work Ray. A+ for effort on that home work.

  11. Slightly later period, but not by much, do you have the 2 volume set by Charles Grant "The Armies and Uniforms of Marlborough's Wars"?? Will have a look for the above and see if there's anything in there...

  12. No I don't Steve, I'd appreciate you looking though!!

  13. Ray - Just wondering- Who taught you to paint? Way down here in the south of nz people suffereing from soldier sickness are few and far between. Did you learn painting in a club?

  14. I have the book, "Uniforms of the World." I've loaned it to a friend, but will retrieve it this weekend and check it. It is a good resource. Very good work on your chart.

  15. Cheers for the comments chaps!!
    @ John - I was shown a few tips and followed the advice of a pal in the early 90's, I've basically learnt as I go on, like most wargamers.
    @ Mike - Sounds interesting, thanks for checking.

  16. Ray - not much I'm afraid - Grant has Brandenburg was part of Prussia - he lists l'Ostange as white coat/scarlet lining by the WSS.. couldn't see any of the others, but not a surprise as they were mostly named after their colonels in this period...

  17. Chris Stoesen should also look up Leopold of Anhalt-Dessau. He was the most celbrated of that line his mom knew.

    He was in all these wars as a young man and ended his career by beating the Saxons and Austrians at Kesselsdorf, without Frederick the King, who turned out to be too slow, (even though he was constantly berating the old Dessauer for being too slow) and capturing Dresden in time for Christmas, 1745.

    His son was a good general too and played a big part in that battle, as well as other ones. Anhalt was a small place and tied their fate to the Prussians in those days.

    I can't find my one volume of the CS Grant book. They never had the second one around here.

  18. @ Steve, Thanks for checking out your books, shame you couldn't find out anything, good to know about the later l'Ostange uniform though. It fits with the other Brandenburg horse.

  19. Do we know if these regiments wore the same uniforms when in the service of their home countries?

  20. I ask for modding purposes. I and others are am making a 1600s mod for Empire Total War.

    1. I would have thought they would, which regts were youi thinking of in particular?

  21. Brilliant work, Ray! You get full marks for this one.
