
Wednesday 12 October 2011

My first ever painted unit - SYW British 23rd regt of Foot

Many moons ago, infact around twenty years to be a little more precise, I was persuaded to enter a life of servitude and poverty. Yes, I became a wargamer, I was pretty reluctant at first and didn't really want to get involved with such a nerdy hobby, before that it was football, American football, snooker, pool and a growing Rock'nRoll 45 collection.  The lads who later evolved into Posties Rejects had started to collect figures for a Seven Years War Campaign, using the Age of Reason ruleset and its campaign system Sport of Kings. Postie was painting the Austrians, Richard the Prussians, Trevor the Russians, Ian the French, Surj the Swedes, so I volunteered to paint up the British.
An Essex British starter pack was purchased for a very cheap price, I wish they were still the same price!!! A date set for Richard to come down and give me a little advice as I hadn't picked a paintbrush up since my school days.
So there we have it, my first ever wargaming unit, the 23rd Regiment of Foot, The Royal Welsh Fusiliers.



  1. Nice work. They look pretty good.

  2. You're painting hasn't improved my friend and your lovely boss..

  3. When I was a kid my brother and I used to play wargames (no rules). My grandfather had the WWII soldiers and equipment that were made of metal and he let us play with them. Watching you guys do this makes me want to go back in time and do it all over again.

  4. They're really good -- and whatever Lurker says, your painting is even better now :) -- especially for your first unit. They're a thousand times better than my first painting jobs (and really probably better even than my current ones)!

  5. Those are very nice. It's amazing to me that you still have them 20 years down the road.

  6. @Bard - Thanks for the kind words, just think yourself lucky ,you don't have a Lurker to put up with!!
    @Luckyjoe - Unfortunately I don't own them anymore, my megalomaniac mate Postie offered me a price for my whole army that I just could not resist, by then I owned the Brits, French and the Russians, he now owns everyone else's figures as well, and the biggest disappointment is we've not used them for around 3 years now!!!

  7. For a first unit that's not too shabby at all mate!


  8. A nice and colourful unit, looking good

  9. Actually pretty good. First miniature I painted...Well you would weep if you saw it!!!

  10. A memorial to your baptism into miniature wargaming: great job.

  11. I agree with what Bard said.

    When I first came on here the 'you might like' thing had the May 17 girls from Miniature Wargames, and that 'Al Moha Dazo' one wanted by the police, but when I came back from there it had changed. I can find it again.

  12. I remember figures you had to paint the detail onto too mate! Not too shabby at all though, so well done!

  13. @Mekelnborg - that post is still there but its just not in my top 10 most visited posts this week, find the "Salute" posts in my "labels", you'll see it then.

  14. Very nice figures. Well painted, especially for starting out. It's always nice to see where we started.

  15. Very nice!
    And can I say for a 1st effort your basing was cool too!!!

    I used to find the Essex flags a killer to paint.

  16. Woah, that's extremely ambitious for your first piece! Well done.

  17. Your firts painted figures are looking much better as my first figures I ever painted. They aren't for publication :-D

    Great work Ray!


  18. That was in my top ten I would have to say, although they are all pretty good.

  19. Very impressive for a first unit Ray. Way better than my first attempts. Flag is great as well.

  20. For your first unit that is excellent. Fortunatly there are no photos of my first attempts, they were hideous!!!

  21. Great post and nice job on your first figs.

    (Doing a little catch up today ;) )

