
Thursday 13 October 2011

SELWG anyone? + a few more pics form our last WWII game.

Just wondered if anyone's off to the SELWG show on Sunday at Crystal Palace????? Me, Fran, Postie and maybe some of the other Rejects will be there, trying not to spend our hard earned dosh. Fran suggested perhaps meeting up, he has said if anyone recognises him and stops for a chat, he'll buy you a sarnie or a cup of tea or maybe a couple of figures, that's just the kind of guy he is.
See you there!!

During our last WWII game, The Battle of Kostschin, I took stacks of pictures so I've added a few here that didn't make the first cut.


  1. More great pics. I especially like the first one with the perspective shot of the tanks getting ready to cross the bridge.

  2. My favorites are the interiors of the shelled out buildings, with all the debris. The propaganda posters are a really nice touch as well. This takes an enormous amount of work, doesn't it. I asked Angry if you guys could shoot some video of one of your games sometime and post it. I'd really love to see that.

  3. Piss off Ray you tight git, there is video of Ray but it's nothing but man love and has been banned on Youtube.

  4. Great pictures, who did you get to take them? LoL

    Yes I'll be at SELWG on Sunday, gammy leg n'all! I've got a box of stuff to sell on the Bring & Buy so it's an all day affair for me.

  5. @Anne - We've talked about that and may get around to actually do it one day.
    @Fran - Is that the one where you've got the camp biker hat on with a chain and suspenders, if it is I've just reposted it!!
    @Lee - You never know, someone may buy your stuff early on and allow you to escape at a reasonable time

  6. Boys, boys, boys. Now wait just a cottin'pickin' minute. What's a sarnie?

  7. Awesome pictures -- I can't get enough.

    "Oh, to be in England..." where there seem to be so many cool wargaming shows.

    This ex-colonist is a bit jealous! :)

  8. The terrain just keeps looking better and better. Wont be at Selwg but am going to Warfare next month is that a Rejects haunt ?

  9. Whoa...I can imagine the slugfest that could take place in those beautiful blasted, battered, and brokendown bldgs! I agree with Joe, that the shot of the tanks at the bridge area are an awesome and fearful sight to any one hunkering down in a bldg.

  10. Great pictures. Nice shot of your tanks crossing the bridge that the Bolshviks were trying to capture.
    Have fun on Sunday, I will not be crossing the Atlantic to attend; I will be playing Command Decision at our club's gathering.

  11. Thanks for the comments guy'n'gals!!
    @whisk - a sarnie is a sandwich!
    @Sgt Steiner - We used to go to the show each year, but haven't for the last 2 years, mainly because we can't afford it, If we don't spend too much at SELWG, then we may take a drive up to Reading, it is a great little show after all.

  12. It sounds like Fran is very generous and gracious with fans, but makes me wonder would Ray just dodge them or take time out to sign autographs at least???

  13. Amazing terrain, especially the bridge!

  14. Ray, have a good time this weekend and don't spend too much. Whenever you're tempted to buy something just say to yourself "I have 4 daughters, I have 4 daughters"

  15. Grand photos, Ray. What rules do you use?
    (John in Ontario)

  16. @Anne - I'll try not to spend too much money, Mwa hah ha!!
    @John in Ontario - The rules are a free WW2 version of WAB, that you should be able to find online, I'll speak to Ian and see if I can dig out the address.

  17. Super pics and really like the shattered buildings.


  18. Someone spent a ton of time on those buildings...they look fantastic, Ray
    great looking table.

  19. Very nice work and nice paint colors ...

  20. Lovely photos and nice gaming table.
