
Monday 17 October 2011

SELWG 2011 - The Rejects on tour

 Central London Wargames Group

Three of the Rejects myself, Fran and Postie travelled up the A2 and on into London for their annual visit to SELWG at Crystal Palace on Sunday, there we met another two Rejects Big Lee and Richard with his young lad Thomas in tow. We all spent too much money as per usual!! I needed to restock my paints so spent most of my money on paint, I was a little alarmed as to the price of Vallejo paint nowadays, £1.75 a bottle, I realise companies have over heads and all that, but that's just taking the pi$$. I also had a chat with Simon from Parkfield Miniatures about his up and coming War of the Liberators figures, I must say I'm very tempted they look very, very nice!! I also bought 6 different wagons and baggage from Magister Militum for my 15mm FIW project, and then as we were leaving proceeded to knock the owner over!!! I was carrying a massive box of The Last Valley items, trees and whatnots for the invalid Postie and I just didn't see him crouched down on the floor and walked striaght into him! he was damn lucky I didn't squash him and end up sprawled ontop of him....poor chap!!
There were some awesome looking games on show, Unfortunately some idiot didn't check the batteries on his camera, so he, meaning ME!! only got a few photo's of a few games, luckily BigLee had 2 spare batteries which enabled me to take a few more pics before they ran out as well.
I think the best looking game was from Shepway Wargames - Polska Walczaga (Poland Fights) scenario, unfortunatly my camera was dead by then, but take a look at Lee and Fran's blogs they must have some pics!!

Here's a few photos from the show


Let me innnnn!!!!

Loughton Strike Force's Magnificent WWII game

The Fight for Henry House Hill by Newbury & Reading Wargames Society

 Apologies but I think this is Central London Wargames Group WWI Dogfight game, the                        planes in the first picture are there's too.

Bloody Lane, the Battle of Antietam, 17th September 1862 by South London Warlords

Mid Anglia Gamers - ACW Naval

"Don't feed the Bears"
BigLee & Fran

 Malbrough s'en va-ta-en Guerre, by Steatham & Tooting Wargamers 

 The GLC Gamers Club - The Battle of Chickamagua

 Kingdom of Heaven, Battles in the Near East, 1183-1187 
 The Tunbridge Wells Wargames Society

Essex Warriors - Yom Kippur War1973


  1. Great pictures. I thought the overall standard of the display games this year was excellent. The Polska Walczaga game was amazing.

    I hope you had a better journey home than I did. Some t!t decided to shut the northbound carriageway of the Blackwall Tunnel, so I had to cross back under the river via the Rotherhithe Tunnel. The traffic was atrocious and it took me an hour and a half to do a journey I can normally do in about 40 minutes.

  2. You got your post up before Angry did. When you said a few pictures I'm thinking 8-10 shots. Christ, you've got 35 here! My favorite is the Battle of Chickamauga, partly because it's such a surprise. They reinact these battles in the States every year and everything as authentic, down to making the gunpowder themselves. I think you guys would love it.

  3. @ Big Lee, we were home in around a hour or so mind you that was including a trip to McDonalds!!
    @Anne - yeh I beat him, infact I'm sick and tired of beating him, but hey, he's used to it!!!!

  4. I couldn't make it to this show, a bit gutted, it looked brilliant!

  5. That shot of Fran and Big Lee reminded me of two Gargoyle book ends I used to have... just sayin'

    I like the look of the Yom Kippur game though!

  6. The shows looks fantastic. Its a shame we dont have anything like that here in Western Australia. I would have to travel nearly 4000km's over east for anything similar.
    Great blogging by the way Ray, you and your fellow posties are always entertaining..........I mean that in a good way.

  7. Bears, Gargoyles....I am a Liger...hear me roar!!!

  8. If the bears follow you home, do you get to keep them?

    Thanks for sharing your great day out. Like Guidowg I'm most envious!

  9. Great pictures. "Don't Feed the Bears" Ha!

  10. Awesome Ray. Thanks for the great photos.

  11. Cheers for the photos Ray, some good looking games there.

  12. Ray:

    Thanks for taking the time to take the photos of the those nice games - surprising to see so many ACW. Great to see you and Angry making it to such a cool convention. Best, Dean

  13. Excellent fuel to stoke my "get-up-and-go" to do more gaming! Looks like a great time was had by all. Thanks for sharing.

  14. "Don't feed the Bears" -- LOL. Great photos.

  15. Great photos. Jealous as all-get-out!
    John From Ontario

  16. Another great day that I had to miss do to a tightening of belts. Great photos Ray.

  17. Thanks for the photos.


  18. lol at the bear paws that belong to fran and biglee, how do they paint such detailed figurines with em. crazy.

  19. Great looking pics! Really like the bi-planes and 28mm ACW!


  20. Nice report, thanks for sharing.
    Jorge Faria

  21. What a great looking show. Antietam is my favorite.

  22. Saw your sexy kneecap over at Lurk's place.

  23. That's what all the girls say!!

  24. There is so much going on there it is hard to take it all in, and too bad about the Polish game not even getting in.

    There is a bald guy in the Japanese air attack picture whose comb-over hair looked like a strange ghost face at first glance, but it's actually the top of his head and not the face at all, so all is well.

    I bet the poor paintseller was glad when he realized what would happen if the Bears and Gargoyles had stomped on him too, but of course they wouldn't do that.

  25. Wow, some of those set ups are just fabulous! I'm totally in awe that people make them!

  26. Great pics Ray, thanks for sharing!

